twenty two

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Hey, so I don't really have anything to say, so hi have a good day ily all. <3
Bye, I'll stop talking now, here's the story.

Btw, I wanna dedicate this chapter to wadidastyles because she has become a great friend of mine and she's really cool ::)))))

The concert was set to begin at 7:00 and it was currently 6:50.
Michael showed where we could stand backstage to see the concert, before it was time for them to go on stage.
When 7:00 came, 5 Seconds of Summer was announced and the crowd went wild.
Michael, Calum, and Ashton all stepped out on stage and the crowd only screamed louder.
Ashton walked over to the drums whilst Michael and Calum got set with their guitars.

They began the first song and I bobbed my head along to the beat. They were actually really good and they had a pretty big crowd. Luke seemed a bit more interested now that they were singing, but he still managed to keep the scowl on his face.

By the time they began singing their 3rd song, Luke was faintly singing along. He had caught on to the lyrics quickly and actually held a faint smile on his lips, which made me smile. He seemed to notice my staring and turned to lock eyes with me. His cheeks slightly reddened at the fact that I heard him singing. A shot him a wink and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Your a really good singer." I whispered and he blushed harder.

He wrapped his large had around my petite one and I laid my head on his shoulder as we listen to the band.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated in my pocket insinuating that I had a text. I pulled my phone out and gasped at  the name on the screen.

From: Luke Hemmings
Hey, baby girl. You look great in those jeans. (;

I felt as if I would throw up at any moment, considering that I knew this wasn't Luke.
Luke had said it wasn't him, although he refused to tell me who it actually was.

Luke seemed to notice the look on my face because he grabbed the phone from my hand and read over the text with a hardened expression.
"We need to go." He whispered.
"I can't just leave, Michael is performing." I said.
"It isn't safe, Claire. We have to go." He stated, grabbing my hand.
I huffed, but agreed none the less.
I quickly asked Becca to tell Michael that I was deeply sorry but I had an emergency. She agreed and I thanked her, giving her a hug and telling her I would see her at home.
But, as we pulled away and I began to walk towards Luke, my eyes met Cade's and I felt a shiver run through my body at his lightly darkened eyes.
He looked different; scary even.
I adverted my eyes and brushed it off as I grabbed Luke's hand and we quickly left the building.
Luke called a cab and it only took about 5 minutes for it to arrive.
We climbed in and Luke gave him directions before sitting back and wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Where are we going?" I murmured, suddenly feelings a bit tired.
"My place." He said, looking down at me.
"Go to sleep, angel. You look tired." Luke rasped in a low voice.
I faintly nodded as I let my head fall into Luke's shoulder and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

When I awoke, I was no longer in the cab. I was in a bed.
I sat up, taking in my surroundings.
I slowly stood from the bed, feeling a slight pain in my right leg. Odd.
Something feels off. I just don't know what it is.
The apartment looked plain, in a retro type of way.
I figured this was Luke's apartment, as I limped over towards the door.
But that didn't explain the pain in my leg.
I twisted the door nob, but to my surprise, it was locked.
My heart started beating a bit faster.
What if Luke isn't the good guy?
Just as I wondered this, the door began to open and I quickly stumbled back away from the door.
But the person that walked in, wasn't the one that I was expecting.
"Hello, Claire Edwards. Took you long enough to wake up."
"Cade?" I asked, exasperatedly.
"No, no, no, darling," he said with a menacing smile, "call me Jacob, Jacob Edwards."

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