Destiny (Justin Bieber Love Story)

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I was sitting on the dirty floor in my dark bathroom, while I could hear my mother scream in pain in the other room.

I picked up the razor blade from the dirty floor, and made a little cut on my wrist, trying hardly to forget the pain inside. A tear fell down my cheek, in the cut, and made it hurt even more. I made yet another cut, a little deeper this time and saw my blood fall down on the floor like red rain drops.

I closed my eyes, and looked back at the days when I had a normal life. When I lived in Stratford and before my father died and I ended in this hell. 4 years ago, when I was 12, me and my dad got into a car accident. I lost my memory and my dad died. I can't remember anything from before that.

My mom married again, so we moved from Canada to Detroit.

That was when all the hell begun. Everybody in my new school hated me. I only had one friend. And she was only with me cause I was the only one who listened to her crap talk about Justin Bieber. Or GayB as I called him. She had talked so much about him that I knew EVERY little tiny thing about him, and had seen every picture there was to see.

The school was a paridise compared to what I called home. My new so called "father" was drunk 24/7, and beat me and mom everyday.

I know you're thinking: "call the cops" but no. It wasn't that simple. I had tried once but he caught me and beat me up till I couldn't walk anymore.

It was a miracle I still was a virgin.

"SAMANTHA!!!! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I heard him yell and I snapped back to reality. I quickly put the razor blade in my pocket, and got out to the living room.

"y-yes?" I said and my whole body was shaking.

"MAKE ME SOME FOOD! NOW!!" he yelled and sat in front of the tv.

I went out to the kitchen and my mom followed me.

She had red marks all over her face.

I only got beaten where I wore clothes so people couldn't see it.

"I've been trying to unlock the backdoor for weeks and today it finally happened. Run away honey. I'll distract him. You have a future. I don't want you to end up like me" she whispered while we were making him a sandwich. "try to get to the police. It's our only shot. Or just run away"

"no mom! I can't leave you alone with him" I whispered back.

"don't think about me. I don't have much left anyway"

"mom! Please don't say that!"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?!?!?! BRING ME MY FOOD, NOW!!" He yelled from the living room.

We quickly got out from the kitchen and I sat his sandwich on the table in front of him.

He took a bite but spitted it out.


He yelled at me, and stood up.

"I - I ..." before I could say anything I felt his hand hit my face and fell to the ground. I felt the blood run down my jaw from my bursted lip.

"PLEASE NO! she didn't do anything" my mom begged but he hit her too.


I got up and looked at my mom. She gave me a sign, and I knew what it meant. She wanted me to escape now.

My whole body was shaking when I walked out to the kitchen. I took a deep breath and ran out of the back door, while tears were streaming down my face. I knew I wouldn't ever get to see my mom again.

It was a rain full night, and it was cold.

I ran as fast as I could trying to see through all my tears. I ran trough the wood until I came to an empty road. One of those you see in horror movies. I was soaking wet and didn't have any tears left. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't walk back to town, cause then I would just get raped. So I started walking the other way, without any idea of where to go.

After I had walked for what seemed hours, I could hear a car behind me.

I turned around a saw a black bus...

Destiny (Justin Bieber Love Story) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now