#3 Dang

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While JC carried me inside I did exactly what I told myself would never happen. I cried not over Derik but over losing JC. "Please don't leave me JC. Your all I have." I started to break down. He was going to leave me and I couldn't do anything. "I know I'm so sorry if only you could come with me." then it hit me. "What if go with you to California!" I said beaming and so was JC. "I don't think so. At least not without me" I looked to see Sydney standing there. She had 2 plane tickets to California. I looked at her with disbelief. "When I said I had good news. I actually did. I just wanted this to happen so I knew you actually needed me." JC said so calmly. "IM GOING TO CALIFORNIA WITH JC AND SYDNEY. I screamed so loud my dad knew. I thanked him for the first time in forever. I later found out this was the plan the whole time. They kept it from me. The house we were going to had a extra room. JC already had a room there. So that meant that Sydney and I were going to live together. I immediately started packing beacause in less then 24 hours we were going to be on a plane. I grabbed some croptops, shorts, shirts, skirts, and other necessities. I left wearing a short tucked into some shorts and a pair of white vans.

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