#2 I can't even

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JC's surprise was not a good surprise. He said he was moving to California to live with some friends. He was going to move from TEXAS TO CALIFORNIA WITH OUT ME. I really love my brother. I didn't want him to leave. I ran to my room. JC came knocking on my door. "Umm can I come in Jessie?" "sure but I'll just go out the window." I heard him lean against the door. "I'm sorry Jessie but I have a big opportunity." "Do what ever JC. If you wanna leave go ahead but I'm not going to stop. Moms going to send me somewhere. Then I'll have no one." *Ding* My phone went off. It was from Sydney. "IM GOING TO KILL HIM" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then my door came down. "What are you doing?" I asked JC while he was standing there nervous. "Are you okay sis." No look." Derik was kissing another girl. I started to go into a rage. JC knew exactly what to do he gave me my board and I left the house. I can't even think right know. My brothers leaving me, Derik just cheated on me then lied when I confronted him, and now I'm just riding my board to calm down. I decide to go home and found my self just staring at the house. "If you ever touch my sister again I'll break your arm!" JC had just punched Derik straight in the nose. As he walked past me he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him with hatred and punched harder and harder till my brother picked me up carried me inside.

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