#18 Sucks for You

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Me and Kian walked in laughing after Sam threw up and now Sam had to edit the video. "JC You need more dogfood for Wishbone!" he ran down the stairs looking at us confused "what he had enough to last tomorrow." Me and Kian looked at him and said "Sam ate it" at the same time. "Sam" he was really confused now. "Well he kinda drank it but you can look outside for the aftermath." he ran outside "Eww that's digusting. Why" we explained the video to him after that and he went to laugh at Sam. I know so mature. Kian opened the fridge and asked me where the Arizona was. "Well Sam got one and then I drank the last one." he whined about how it was the last one and how he really wanted it. "Sucks for you." I pointed and took off running. I heard him running behind me and took a sharp right into the balcony. I balanced on the railing and waited for him. "Hey took you long enough." he looked out of breath. He went to step forward so I leaned back. "If you come close I go back more." I was just smiling daring him to take a step. Then JC ran through the door and caused me to look fast. I felt my self falling but the someone grabbed me. "Kian thank you so much." I hugged him for a wule. "Are you o-" "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY JESSIE. I,DIDN'T KNOW." JC looked scared. I let go of Kian and walked over to JC and hugged him. "It's okay JC there's a pool there anyway you just scared me. I love you big bro." "I love you too lil sis." we were just standing there. I looked over at Kian and pulled him over into the hug. We just stood there for a while. We went inside and I want to my room. I heard a knock on my door and saw Sam.

S: "Hey can I come in."
J: "yeah what's up"
S: "when are you telling JC. I really don't like keeping This big of a secret from JC"
J: I will tell him but not now. Not yet. Sam I am really trusting you please keep this secret for me.
S: okay fine you owe me still though
J: what ever. I love you
S: I don't hate you.

I just punched his arm and then we just hung out and watched out video from earlier

JC's pov

What secret is Sam talking about?

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