#30 ok kian

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So it had been about thirty minutes since I got off the phone with Sam (and Kian if that counts) but he had the nerve to knock on my door. "Jessie can I please come in?" I wasn't having it so I told him no but he still walked in not alone. Trailing behind was jc-Ricky-trevor-Kian-and Jenn. Apparently eaithe I had a whole support team or Kian did. "What do you want?" I wasn't in the mood. "Listen Jessie I'm sorry for whatever i did but please take me back." he was on his knees now. "The thing is Kian this is a lot like derek. I gave him chances but in the end he still hurt me. So no I won't take you back and also I'll get out your room when I feel like it so until then it's mine." I'm pretty sure that last part would have made him smile if he wasn't sad about me not taking him back. He nodded but before he left he started singing. Play song at top now. (i think this song kinda went with it but I'm not sure so if you think of a different song tell me)

He finished which wasnt always on key but it still was really cute. "Ok kian-" he shot up with a smile "I already knew you were a call way but if I need to talk to you I'll just walk across the hallway. So bye." his smile dropped. I felt a little bad but I was still mad. He left and so did everyone else. I was alone again.

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