#24- Happy Birthday Jessie Part 3

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We got to the amusement park and I jumped over kian to get out the car and I started to run straight towards the gait. I looked like I was mental but then the guys all shrugged and took off after me while Sydney and Jenn were trying to look normal. "SYDNEY JENN GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE NOW!" they just looked embarrassed but they eventually ran over too.

After going through admission I grabbed Kian, JC, and Jenn and pulled them into the line for a rollercoaster. Sydney is afraid of them, and the rest of the guys stayed with Sydney. Ok I'm sitting with Kian, Jenn you sit with JC then I winked at her. I totally ship Jcpenny but I don't tell JC that. When it was are turn me and kian got in the front and JC and Jenn got the back. Since JC couldn't see me and kian we held hands and we snuck in a kiss before we started to go up. Kian whispered something but I don't know what he was saying. Then we got to the top and kain yelled as loud as he could "I love you Je-" then we went down. It was just a lot of screaming like a girl from kian and I was just smiling after that. When the ride stopped. I didn't think anything else of what kian said. We just kept riding it was about 8:00 when eveyone just said there done. We started to drive home and I fell asleep with kians arm around me.

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