#19 Why Didn't You Tell Me

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JC's Pov

Walking past jessies room I heard her talking to Sam and saying that he couldn't tell me something. Now I really got to know and since Jessie and Kian have gotten so close I thought why not ask kian. I knocked on his door and walked in.

JC-J Kian-K

J- do you know if there's a secret Jessie and sam might be keeping from me.
K- what are you talking about JC
J- I was walking by jessies room and her and sam were talking about how I can't know something but I don't know what it is.
K- I don't know maybe you should ask her yourself
J- okay whatever
K- now get out
J-fine I'm going

Then I left to wonder about what it might be. I did text Ricky but he said that he and Jessie don't really hangout much. So what could it be. I eventually worked up enough courage to go up there and ask. I knocked on her door.

JC-JC Jessie-J Sam-s

JC- Jessie is there something your not telling me about
J- if I was there would be a reason so don't worry about it
JC- is there something your not telling me
S- umm yes I used your toothbrush for a prank on Kian a couple of months ago and I put dog poop on it instead of tooth paste
S- I thought you would be mad
JC- you know what I'm going down stairs

And with that I stopped off down stairs and started watching sponge Bob.

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