#16 Really Kian

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Me and Kian finished uploading my video and I looked at my Twitter feed. "Oh my gosh look everyone's commenting about our video all ready." He looked at my feed "There shipping us. Do you like Jian or Kessie better?" "um I think Jian." we both started to run around my room for no reason then we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. JC opened the door. He was vlogging. "Ok so the noise is just Kian and Jessie running around. Really kian. You are such a bad influence." we both said hey and he left. "Do you think I should vlog. I mean now that everyone knows who I am now?" He looked at me like he was thinking "That would be cool" We laid back on my bed and he kissed my cheek and wrapped me in his arms. We fell asleep. "Wake up." I woke up and saw sam. "What." I was kinda awake. "You should probably get up before JC finds you." I realized what he was talking about. I quickly got up. Kian shot up "Kian get up, Kian. Get. Up!" he finally got up. I hugged Sam and then explined what was going on "ok so listen you can't tell JC but me and Kian are secretly dating and if JC finds out he'll kill us. Also your the only one that knows." all I could think was please don't tell. "Ok I won't but will you and kian do a video with me?" We both agreed because we didn't want our secret out. We we're going to film tomorrow. I really don't know what to think. I don't know what Sam wants me to do or anything. I asked but he said it was a secret.

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