#5 Wait What.

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I started to freak out. I didn't upload a video yesterday. If you dont know I'm secretly a youtuber. I only have 2 million suscribers but this is the catch no one has ever seen my face. Actually one person knoes. That's Sydney. We filmed a Q&A but when she said her name I bleeped it and kept my face blurry the whole time. This is the only hint I give people J____E C if you can't tell it spells Jessie C. Some people hate it about me but I don't really care about fame. Anyways we got to the house and Kian showed me and Sydney our room. It was a greenish blue room. I told her to lock the door. When I thought she locked it I started my intro. "Guessss what. Its me Bleep (That was for my name). All of sudden Ricky ran in. Please tell me I did not just get caught. "Omg your XxGirlcanGamexX." he sounded so happy. "Yes but it's a secret JC would kill me if I had a channel." Ricky said it could be our little secret. That was close so I asked him to leave and filmed my Sims 3 video. I walked down stairs and all the guys were staring at me. It was kind of weird. "Finally JC spoke up. "Why didn't you tell me you have over 2 million suscribers." so I explained that I thought he would be mad but he wasn't which was good. "Wait what your her. I've seen some of your videos. Dang your really good." Kian said suprised. "I've had my channel for 2 years and you never figured it out." I asked JC kind of amazed I kept it a secret. "Well having to chase you everyday and trying to stop you from jumping out the window every night it's kinda hard." I just laughed. The guys looked at me confused. So I told them a little about me.

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