#21 I'm Trusting You

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Jessies POV

So tonight is the day before my birthday and I'm so worried all the guys have noticed. "Hey lil sis come here I wanna talk" JC had just walked into my room and now I'm panicking. I can't jump out the window so I have to talk to him. "Ok" I sat down on my bed and waited for him to talk. "What's up with you?" I couldn't think of what to say so I just sat there. "Jessie please tell me what your hiding." I finally spoke up "Ok all I'm going to say is that on the day of my birthday I have a announcement for everyone." he looked worried but then sad "does anyone else know already?" I didn't want to hurt him so I just said "yes but only because it's about him and the other person found out." he then smirked "that's what you, kian, and Sam won't tell me." I looked up "how do you know?" he answered really quick. "Well I know what Sam said may be true but I'm sure I would have noticed and plus out of the guys you and kian are the closest then out of me and sam it's about the same for kian but since you can't tell me he told Sam." I was really suprised "that's actually right. I didn't know you were that smart." he then got serious "but seriously I'm trusting you. It must be serious if you can't tell me. I love you sis." I love you too bro." we ended up just hugging and smiling like idiots.

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