#29 Is It The End

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I didn't get a text back from JC so I guess he got the idea. I ended up falling asleep with my dog.

I woke up the next morning with Kian beside me. So now he wants to be close well that's not happening so I did what every person would do. I pushed him off the bed into the floor.

"JESSIE?" he sounded mad but I don't care. "When I said we were done I meant it." hopefully that hurt. "Its not my fault you slept in my room." he has a point there but I not going to tell him that. "Well You should have slept somewhere else." so booyah Kian. He got up and walked out which surprised me, it kinda hurt though.

I would usually talk to Sydney but she's having family problems. I don't talk to Ricky really. Connors asleep, I can't talk to JC that's just weird. Maybe I can call Sam.

J: Sam I broke up with kian,

S: why

J: well he kept ignoring me and was telling other people that he asked me something when he didn't

S: did you ask him why he did that

J: no but I shouldn't have to

S: maybe he has a good reason

J: I don't know so last night I told JC to tell him I'm done Then I wake up this morning and he's sleeping beside me

All of a sudden I hear someone in the background of Sam's line. I think he has me on speaker.

J: Sam why do you have me on speaker

S: what do you mean Jessie. Your not on speaker and kians not with me either

J: I thought I could talk to you Sam but I guess not

I end the call and pay back down in kians bed which wasn't the smartest place to fall asleep on. I feel like I'm missing someone important. I know it's Kian but I don't like to be ignored especially by the people closest to me. Also I'm afraid that because of my decision this will be the end to jian or kessie which ever one people call it. A tear falls but I won't let anymore go. I have to stay strong because I can't be weak.

A knock on the door pulls me into reality. "Sis you okay" Its jc. "Umm yea of course why wouldn't I be?" I probably sound like such a big liar at the moment. "You know why but it You just talk to him Then I bet you'll feel better." I kinda want to smile because my big brother still cares even though I cause him so much promblems. "Maybe but not know jc. Thank you anyways." he gave me a sad smile but then left. I'm alone.

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