#10 Its My Fault

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I heard echoing in my ears but I couldn't make out the words, it was like I was in another dimension. Then I felt something on my head. It was so cold my eyes shot open. It felt like I was holding my breath so I took a breath, I looked around me. Sam was holding a rag on my head. "Are you ok?" I didn't answer him I continued to look around JC was sitting in the kitchen I think because of his crying. "Where's Kian and JC Sam?" I asked. "JC is in the kitchen crying and Kian is in there trying to get him to calm down." I tried to stand but Sam told me to stay in here. He eventually let me stand up once I gave him the let me up or die look. I walked in to see JC crying and Kian talking to him.

"JC I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that." he looked up at me but didn't say anything. "Kian what's wrong with him?" He grabbed my hand and led me too the couch.
"JC thinks it's his fault me and you have matching black eyes."
He tried to make the truth less bad by making it funny but I just cried.
"Its all my fault Kian, he's blaming himself for something that was my fault. I came up with the plan, you just helped me. You got hurt, I got hurt trying to stop you from getting hurt, and then JC got hurt because of him hurting us but he kinda had a reason. I'm such bad person. Growing up I'm the reason JC always got hurt." that made me cry even more.

I just sat there crying and when ever anyone tried to touch me I just pushed them away. I always hurt everyone around me. I'm like a bomb and when I go off people get hurt. I don't deserve anyone. I wanted to jump out my window but for once I was afraid. I didn't want to leave. I'm going to fix this. JC Is not going to leave me again.

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