#9 Black

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I woke up that morning to Kian staring at me. "What are you doing Kian?" I asked groggily. "Oh you looked cute sleeping so I was going to prank you but your awake now so I guess I can't." "What time is it?" "5:15 in the morning." I shot up. I knew exactly what to do. I told Kian my plan and he totally agreed with me.

Hour later

Ok so me and Kian went to a prank store and bought a lot of supplies. We had fake blood, fake knife, and borrowed a car from one of kians friends. I got the fake blood all over me. Its suppost to look like I got stabbed. Kian helped me and I layed down on the ground. Then I screamed at the top of my lungs and Kian caused a huge crash sound. We heard some of the guys run down stairs. I saw Sydney and Ricky but not JC. Immediately they tried to call the cops but we took there phones. They went upstairs and got JC. He saw me and started to cry then he looked confused. "Where's Kian?" they all looked around and then our plan went into action fully. Kian walked out with the fake blood and the knife. "Oh hi guys. What's up." JCs eyes filled with anger. This wasn't part of the plan. He was suppost to get scared. His fist bunched together and went to hit Kian. His fist connected with kians face. I jumped in front of Kian the second time he went to punch him. All of a sudden everything went black.

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