#26 I Already Knew

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JC released me from the hug, I spoke up to explain what had just happened. I got on top of the table so everyone could see me. "Umm well I will never forget this party. I told JC that I had a surprise for him tonight even though it's my birthday. Well if the surprise is me and kian are dating . I hope your not mad but I really like Kian so with you permission. Can I stay with kian?" Kian had got up on the table with me and held my hand. JC just started laugjing. Me and kian and everyone else here was really confused. After he calmed down from laughing he finally started talking. "Ok first you should have told me, second I already knew." Kian turned red. "Ho- KIAN." he was really embarrassed. "Listen Jessie you know I really like you but I couldn't do that behind Jcs back. Also if it makes you feel better, I told him yesterday." everyone started to aww. Kian brought me into a hug. I didn't know what to say. "Wait did Connor say anything?" jc looked at Connor "you knew connor. Connor put his hands in the air and replied with "I found out in the car they were holding hands, then I texted her and she told me." to relieve the awkardness I jumped down and pushed JC into the pool. He tried to pull me in but Kian grabbed me so I didn't fall. Everyone was laughing except jc who's teeth were chattering. I gave him a towel then I told everyone to leave after awhile. I thanked everyone but I said I was going to sleep and that I would open my presents tomorrow.

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