#17 Smoothies

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So yesterday nothing really happened. Me and JC went shipping, Kian had to do a collab, I don't know what Ricky had to do. Anyways I did my makeup and put on a pair of neon green shorts, black crop top, and black vans. Kian had on some black jeans, a tank top, and some converse. Sam pretty much had on the same thing as Kian except he had a different tank top.

(i don't watch Sam as much so I don't know what he does. So this is just a guess.)

S: "Hey guys it's Sam and I'm here with Kian and Jessie. We're doing the smothie challenge! Are y'all excited?"
J: "well I didn't know what we were doing until now so sure. I'm very excited. If you didn't realize that was sarcastic.
K: I'm with Jessie on this one. So the way this works is we will draw something out of this hat and put it in our smoothie. We have good things like bananas, strawberry, and whip cream. Or bad things like hot sauce, mayonaise, mustard, ketchup, or even wishbone's dog food. Yay"
J: well I guess I'll go first. Ok so my first one is whip cream!"
K: ok so that sucks for me. I got mayonnaise. That's okay I guess.
S: I got HOT SAUCE. Nooo
J: I got ketchup.
K: I got strawberrys! Yay a good one.
J: I got mustard
K: I got bananas
S: ok so I got Arizona becaue I totally forgot to make it equal.

J: I have mustard, ketchup, and whip cream
K: I have bananas, strawberrys, and mayonnaise
S: I have DOG FOOD, arizona, and hotsauce

S: we have mixed out smoothies and were going to go ahead and drino them.

Sam threw up, I spit it out, and Kian swallowed it.

"That was disgusting Sam. I'm happy you got dogfood."

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