#27 Birthday Aftermath

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So I woke up with my new doggy slate. He yawned when he saw me and then my stomach growled so I went to get some bacon I smelled cooking. I walked down and since JC knows about me and kian I went a hugged him. Then I heard more voices. "Who's here Kian" he was smirking. That's never a good sign. All of a sudden he played a sound on his phone and then all I saw was a whole bunch of guys running towards me. They all landed on top of me. Some guy was on top of me so me being myself thought I'd introduce myself. "Hi I'm Jessie. Jcs sister and kians girlfirend." he was going to say something but Kian got tired of all the guys on top of me and helped me up. "Aww Kian it's okay. Its not like 3 large guys can crush me." He looked at me with that seriously face. Since he didn't seem to be enjoying that I kissed him on the cheek. "Ok so who are all of you" a really tall guy who I think was on the bottom of the dog pile spoke up. "I'm caspar with a A not E." that made me laugh then a shorter guy answed "I'm Joe" finally a one that was in the middle spoke up "I'm oli". "Okay now why are they in my house and where's everyone else" Kian seemed really quiet because the other guys told me. It made me a little mad because he wouldn't talk to me. "Whatever kian" I went to open my presents. I loved what I got but then came kians gift and I wasn't sure if I should open it. I picked it up and carried it to my room, put it on the top of my closet shelves. All I know is I'm not opening that present until I'm not mad with kian.

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