#11 JC

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I got up and and calmed down, I walked into the kitchen. "JC." he still didn't even look at me. "JC!" I screamed he still wouldn't look at me. I walked over to him and hugged him. He calmed down a little, still crying. "JC I'm so sorry. I always hurt everyone around me. So I'm going to stay somewhere else for awhile until I can trust myself not to hurt you anymore. Once I said that he stopped crying. "Jessie you can't leave. I'm sorry it's just when I saw that. I felt like I had to protect everyone. Honestly when I saw that it reminded me of Derik. I love you so much that I don't know what I would do if one of the guys wanted to be with you. I love them Like family but I still don't want them to be with you like that." when he said that I was happy he talked to me but sad about what he said about the guys. Hanging out with Kian had made me really rethink about what kind of guys I was dating. Honestly I think Kian is really cute but now I have no chance.

Kian walked in after me and JC stopped hugging. "Umm JC I'm sorry about scaring you like that. We thought you would be scared and then we would start laughing but we didn't really think about the angry part." he looked from JC to me. I walked over to him and hugged him. I motioned JC to join the hug. Eventually we were all hugging. I didn't want to let to but I did especially when JC stopped. "What about we have a movie day/night?" everyone one agreed.

I let JC chose the first movie. He chose I Am Legend. He really liked that movie when I showed him. Finally came my least favorite part, the dog got bit and was about to turn so he had to kill it. I started to cry. I looked so stupid, I never cry unless it's about a animal. Kian walked over and sat next to me. He started to run my back. It calmed me down and then I started to lean against him. Then came my turn to pick a movie. I chose The Visit even though it's kinda weird. I may have started at Kian because when he turned and looked at me he smiled. I quickly turned my head and kept watching. Then came the part where the grandma jumps in front of the camera. I littleraly jumped into kians lap. He laughed but didn't care much. I just sat there and curled up in to him when ever I got scared.

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