Chapter 13- Kareoke Night

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-Dipper's Pov -
It's around 7pm. Mabel and Wendy where in the kitchen making something. Whatever it is, it smells delicious. Soos and Stan are talking while I'm sitting with Ford, waiting for Bill. He said he needed to get changee because his clothes were covered in blood. It's taking him a long time...

"I'm going to check on Bill." I say to Ford as I stand up.

Ford nodded.

I walk upstairs. I heard a scream .I opened the door to see Bill lying on the floor. His back was covered with blood. He had the Cipher Wheel tattooed to his back. He has triangles on his arms too.

"Bill!" I cried. I ran towards him.

"Pine Tree...." Bill stared at me.

"Are you okay? !" I picked him up. He was cold.

Bill nodded. " My back...pain... cold..."

I grabbed some blankets from my bed and wrapped them around him. I put more bandages on him. Poor Bill...

"How did this happen?"

"Demon... deal... failed..." Bill breathed heavily. "Punish... journals... none..."

I was confused about what he said. Demon? Deal? Failed? Punishment for having none of the journals?!
"It's okay Bill... I'll protect you from them."

Bill shook his head. He coughed up a bit of blood. " Too strong for you... I can't even..."

I held his closer to me. I don't want to lose you ever Bill... I love you.

Bill smiled. "I'm... I'm not going anywhere..." Flames bursted from around Bill. When they where gone, Bill was healed. "See?"

I sighed. " Thank God..."

We walked out of my room and saw that Mabel and Wendy had made biscuits that looked like... our signs. A Pine Tree. A Shooting Star. An ice bag. A question mark. Stan's hat. Ford's glasses. A llama. Robbie's stitched heart. A star. And Bill. I smiled. I have the best friends and family in the whole world.

"You do." Bill smiled.

I opened my arms. "Emotional sibling hug?"

Mabel nodded. "Sincere emotional sibling hug."

Mabel and I hugged.

"Pat pat." We said in time.

Bill and Wendy laughed.

"How long did that take to practice?" Wendy asked.

"Not long." Mabel smiled. She held the tray out to me and Bill, but Bill shook his head.

"Demons don't need to eat, but thanks anyway, Shooting Star." Bill said.

"Oh come on, Bill!" I insisted. "Just one bite?"

Bill sighed. " Oh, alright." He chose one from the tray. It was the Pine Tree. "Thank you." He took a bite, chewed it, then smiled. "Hey, this human stuff isn't that bad!"

I smiled. "I guess even demons like to eat." I chose the Bill one as you can guess.

Stan tapped the microphone. "Is this thing working?!"

"Yep!" Wendy yelled. "And now we can't hear anything!"

Stan ignored Wendy's smart comment. "Who's going first?"

"Wendy? You and me?" Mabel asked.


The two ran up and grabbed a microphone. The music to 'Stronger Than You a Sans parody' started playing.

Is This Real? - billdip fanfic rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now