Chapter 18- Save Me From This Demon Within Me

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- Dipper's Pov -
Bill had been gone for over an hour. I'm starting to get worried about him. Bill should be back by now. While he was in the Mindscape, I was watching a horror movie. I believe it was called 'It', about some scary demon clown after these group of kids. I thought it was strange. As soon as 'It' appeared, I felt something grab my shoulders. I screamed and jumped out of my seat, literally. I turned around to see Bill laughing his head off.

"That wasn't funny!" I shouted.

Bill continued to laugh. "It was for me!"

I rolled my eyes. That's Bill and his sick humor.

"Well, Dipper, what do you want to do?" He smirked and qrappted his arms around my neck.

"Well..." But before I could finish speaking, he kissed me on the forhead. " I... I don't mind."

"Wanna go deer hunting?"

I shook my head. "You know deers are my favorite animal, right?"

"How about...Look for a griffin?"

"Sure." I smiled and stood up. " I need to get the journals and a first aid kit."

Bill smiled. "About the journals, can I have them? So Echo doesn't hurt us?"

I looked at Bill's eyes. They looked different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Bill, I... I can't."

"Why not?" I looked closer and saw where the yellow eye was meant to be, it was slightly different... it was a yellowish hazel.

"Ford would kill me."

"I'm your g- boyfriend, Dipper." He moved closer to me. " You can trust me." He seemed to struggle saying Boyfriend.

"Just because I love you, doesn't mean that I trust you." I stared at Bill.

Bill shrugged. "Fine by me, Dip."

There's something up. I can tell. Bill doesn't call me Dip or Dipper unless I'm hurt or in danger. He calls me Pine Tree otherwise. This isn't Bill... its... Echo! I pounced at what I thought was Bill.

"D-Dipper!" Ecill started to blush. "W-What are you doing?!"

"You're not Bill!" I hissed. " Get out of Bill's body, Echo! Or should I say, Ecill!"

Ecill smirked. "You finally realized. Bill was right, you are a smart kid."

I grabbed Ecill's neck. "What did you do with Bill?!"

"C-Calm down, Dipper!" Ecill struggled to breathe. "We made a deal!"

"Sure you did!" I started at him.

He punched me, knocking me off her. Ecill smirked. He grabbed Mabel's golf club. "Night night, Dipper Pines!"

- Bill's Pov -

I saw Echo grab Mabel's golf club and she wacked Dipper's head, knocking him unconscious.

"DIPPER!" I cried and floated towards him. I faced Echo. " Why did you do that?!"

"He was getting on my nerves!" Echo stared at Dipper. She bent down amd kissed his forhead.

"Well that doesn't mean that you have to go and knock him out!"

"I do what I want, Bitch Cipher."

And with that, she wrote a note picked up Dipper and walked out of him house, into the forest.
I stayed in the house. I couldn't bear to see what I've done.


- Dipper's Pov -

I woke up. I tried moving, but I was tied. Tied to a tree. A Pine tree. A fucking Pine Tree. Okay, is this some sick joke? Cause if it is, it's not fucking funny! Not funny at all!

"Hello?" I shouted. "Mabel? Stan? Bill? Wendy?" A voice changed inside me. " Ecill?"

Ecill came towards me out of the darkness of the trees. He bent down to me and smirked. "Oh Dipper, you're such an innocent person~ too bad that's gonna change."

"W-What?" I stared at Ecill and realized what he meant. "No. No way!" I started to blush. This is just great. I thought sarcastically. I'm about to be raped and now I've got a boner.

Is This Real? - billdip fanfic rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now