Chapter 19- Blood And Death

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- Bill's Pov -
Dipper and I walked to his house to see Mabel running towards us.

"Dipper! Bill!" Mabel jumped at us and hugged us tight. " What happened? Are you okay? Echo s-"

"Wow... Mabel, calm down. We're fine." Dipper said.

"Echo sent us a note saying to bring the journals or else."

I hugged Dipper and looked at him closly. His eyes we here filled with worry.

"Boys!" Stan yelled. "Come here!"

Mabel let go of Dipper and I and we walked up to Stanley.

"Does this mean anything to you?"

It was a picture of A Pine Tree with an Eye and fire around it coming from a dragon.

"She's gonna burn us."


I stared at Dipper. Fear was in his eyes. I looked back to the picture and touched the dragon. "Echo will return to destroy the journal and the eye tree." I whispered.

"What?" Stan looked at me as if I had killed some one.

"That's our fate."

I took a deep breath and looked at the aky. Leave us be Echo.


I looked at the clock. It's 11:56pm. "Shooting Star! What's the date?"

"It's the 31st, October. Halloween! Why?" Mabel smiled.

"Shit... I have only tomorrow to get the journals for Echo." I muttered. "I'm so fucking dead."

"Don't worry, Bill." Dipper sat next to me on the couch. " She won't go near us."

"Maybe not you, but she'll kill me." I said.

"Do you want to go Trick Or Treating?" Mabel asked.

"No thanks," Dipper said. " Bill?"

"I'm good."

Dipper sighed. He snuggled into me. "I love you, my dorito."

"I love you too, my Pine Tree." I put my hand on his head. I looked at his head and saw his birthmark. The big dipper.

Dipper yawned loudly. " I'm tired."

I picked him up bridle style and carried him up the stairs and into our room. I layed him on his bed and walked toqards mine.

"Bill?" I heard Dipper's voice say. "Can you stay with me?"

I looked at Dipper. His eyes qhere fill of fear. "Of course." I sat next to him and hugged him. "Are you okay? Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Well... When Echo took over your body, she..." Dipper seemed to drift off for a moment. "She kinda tied me to a pine tree."

I sat there, shocked. "Great pun and all, but.... Seriously?"

Dipper nodded. He looked at the ground.

"Oh my god..." My fists bursted with blue flames. "Did she hurt you?"

Dipper sighed and looked at his arm. "What's done is done. I'm fine now... I guess."

"Get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."


- Dipper's Pov -
I woke up and saw Bill had fallen asleep on me. His head was resting on my chest. I smiled. I love him. I looked at the clock. 11am. Shit I slept in.

"Bill?" I shook him gently. "Bill, wake up."

Bill jumped. "Dipper!" He stared at me. " Don't do that!"

"Sorry!" I hugged him. " We slept in. It's 11am."

Bill stared at nothing. "She will come."

"We'll be f-"

A giant explosion interuped me. I jumped out of bed and looked out the Window. It was Echo. And she was mad.

"BILL! DIPPER!" She shouted. " I KNOW YOU TWO ARE IN THERE!" She floated towards the window. "Aha!" She smashed the glass and hugged me from behind. "Hi there, sweetie~"

Bill growled. "Leave him alone."

"Hey, Bill! So," Echo smirked at Bill. "Where are the journals?" She put her hands on my hips and purred. "Do you know?" She asked and stared at me.

I started to blush deeply. "Uh..."

"You're not getting them, Echo." Bill said.

Echo grabbed my hips tighter and slowly moved her hands. " What did you say?"

She grabbed me and I panicked. "E-Echo..! Stop!" I blushed even more. I grabbed her hands and moved them away.

She puffed. "What's wrong, Dipper?" She leaned closer to me. "You don't have to hide anything from me."

I stared at her hazel eyes. "I-I don't care."

Echo sighed. "Bill. Be a good demon and give me those three journals, or else..." she thought for a moment. "I'll have to punish Dipper in front of you."

I started to move away from her. She was cute and all, but kinda scary.

"You're not getting the journals, Echo. You're just going to do that anyway." Bill growled louder.

"Oh well." She made a spear apear from nowhere. " Night night, Bill!" And with that she threw the glass red spear toqards Bill. She made sure that Bill couldn't move by using her powers. I ran towards Bill.


A sharp pain stabbed my stomach. I collapsed to the hard and cold wooden floor of my room. I stared at Bill. He tried to move. Echo let him go and smirked. He ran towards me.

"Dipper!" He cried. " No... don't leave me..." he kneeled down to me.

Blood oozed from me. "I-It's too late..."

Bill put his cold hand on my face. A pool of blood grew on the corner of my mouth. "I love you, my Pine Tree." Tears fell down his face.

"I..." The whole world started to fade as I gave one last breath, and let my blood stop moving through my bashed body. I love you Bill Cipher...

(Dipper died DX)

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