Chapter 7- Secrets

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-No one's Pov-

Bill shoved Dipper off him. Dupper dusted himslef off ans helped Bill up.

"Thanks." Bill said, still holding the book.

"You're welcome. " Dipper said. He's kinda cute when he blushes...

"Thanks, Pine Tree-" Bill started.

Mabel gasped. "Will! Dipper! Bill's taken over Will's body!! We have to-"

"No, Mabel! Calm down!'s okay. I know. " Dipper explained to Mabel about the truce.

Mabel stood there. "That makes sense."

"So you're not mad?" Bill asked.

"Of course not!" Mabel added, "but if you hurt my brother, you're going to get a fight... A TICKLE FIGHT!" Mabel started to tickle Bill.

"BODY SPASIMS!!" Bill laughed. "Make it stop!! Make it stop!"

"I have a great idea!" Mabel yelled, after she stopped tickling Bill. "You should go on a date!"

"Me?" Bill pointed to himself and laughed. "Shooting Star, I only know you and Pine Tree over there." He pointed to Dipper.

"He has a point. " Dipper said. "You already have a boyfriend. "

"He's so dreamy~" Mabel went deep into thought. She shook her head. "What about you two?"

Bill and Dipper's eyes widened. "WHAT?! ME?! HIM!?"

Dipper started to blush bright red, so did Bill.

"Shooting Star, we're both male." Bill started.

"And?" Mabel tilted her head. "What's wrong with that?"

"Everything!" Bill exclaimed.

Mabel rolled her eyes.

Dipper stared at Mabel. "Mabel, can I talk to you please? Alone?" He motioned to Bill.

Mabel nodded and walked out of the room with her brother brother by her side.

"So?" She said. " What do you want to tell me?"

"Uh..." Dipper took a deep breath. "I...I like Bill."

"Of course you do! He's your friend!" Mabel smiled.

"No..." Dipper became hot with embarrassment. "I mean... like like."

Mabel stood there, blank.

"I have a crush on him..." Dipper started to blush deeply.

Mabel gasped. "Dipper!"

"I know, it's not normal and all but-"

"Dipper's in love!!!" Mabel squealed. "Dipper loves Bill! Dipper loves -"

Dipper put his hamd over her mouth. "Mabel! Shhh! Everyone will hear you!!!"

Mabel moved his hand."It's safe with me." She winked at Dipper.


The twins walked in to see Bill floating around holding Waddles.

"Waddles!" Mabel screamed. "Don't drop him!"

"I won't!" Bill put the pig down into Mabel's arms. "See?"

Oh Bill... Dipper thought. I wish I could tell you...

"Tell me what?" Bill sat on Dipper's bed.

Dipper started at Bill. "Stop reading my mind, okay?!" Why is this so painful for me?

Because it matters. A voice changes in his head. But does it matter more than the journals?

Is This Real? - billdip fanfic rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now