Chapter 1

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Ressie's POV

     "Ugh I'm bored!"
My best friend Orianna said as she laid next to me on my bed.
"Oreo" I groaned, this was her tenth time  saying that in the last five minutes. "shut up"

"Ressie!!! Come on! Entertain me! Get off your bed, let's go to a party tonight!!!!!!!" A party??? What is she thinking?
"Oreo, you did not just suggest we go to a party? You're joking right?"

"No! Come on! Ronny has a party tonight at the lake. It'll be fun!" Oh boy.... She was serious. "Uh... Orianna, it's me you're talking to. I don't do parties."

I'm not a total nerd, I just prefer not dealing with drunk, horny teenagers. "Ressie Jay, you are a fucking senior! This is your chance to show your moves!! Come on, I bet you'll meet a guy there" Orianna wiggled her eye brows. I laughed and shoved her off my bed.

       * 4 hours later*

"I can't believe you talked to me into coming to this." Orianna was nearly jumping up and down from excitement that I had actually said yes to going to the party. The truth is, I just wanted her to stop complaining. "I can't believe you let me dress you up like that." She had a smiled plastered onto her face. You'd think she just had a jar of candy.

I was wearing  a skin tight tube top and high waisted jeans with high top converse to go with them. Orianna was wearing a skin tight dress that showed off her curves and high heels. She tried to get me to wear them, but if I was going to come to this stupid party, I'm going to be as comfortable as possible.

We walked up to the door and Orianna rang the door bell. Not even five seconds later, Ronny himself let us in. "Ori, you look amazing as usual." He turned towards me and his eyes got wide and his mouth was open. I gave Orianna a worried look. Did I have something of my face? Did I look bad? Ronny straightens up and smirks at me. " Ressie, baby, you look sexy. You're gonna have a good time tonight." He winked at me then walked off to talk to his friends. Ronny is lucky that he's one of my best friends. If any other guy would've said that to me, he would have a bloody nose.

           "Let's get something to drink." Orianna took my hand and dragged me into the kitchen, where there were coolers of drinks. "Oreo, I'm not going to drink. I'll be the D.D. tonight. You go have fun." If either of us wants to have fun, it should be the party girl. "Are you sure?" She asked

"Yes I'm sure. Go at it!" I smiled and I pushed her out of the kitchen. She turned around and had certain gleam in her eyes that she gets when she's up to no good. "You're gonna come dance with me!" Uh oh... See me and dance floors.. We don't mix. The last time I was at a party was in eighth grade at a girl named Lily Benson's birthday party. She had a dance floor and I was dancing with Orianna when I did the Cupid Shuffle and somehow managed to kick a guy in his nuts, give a girl a black eye and break Lily's pinky. Don't ask me how I did it, because honestly, I have no clue.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes!"
"Oreo... You wouldn't"
"Ressie" she mimicked "you know I would"
"I hate you."
"We both know you love me."
True. She had a good point. If someone dies though, it's her fault.

We pushed through people until we were in the middle of the dance floor.
It was hot.
Not the good kind either.
It smelled of beer and sweat.
Orianna didn't care as she began to dance to the music. She grabbed my hand and began to twirl around.
I started to move with her.
Who cares right? No one will remember this at school, Monday.

I let loose.

I started to jumped to the beat of the music and twirl around. Orianna was laughing at me and did the same thing.
After the song was over I went looking for the bathroom.

Apparently, Ronny has a huge house. Four doors later and I finally found it!!!
I went to open it when someone one came out of it.

"Damn Rebecca." I looked up to see Ronny's best friend Danny smirking down at me. " you look good."
"Thanks Danny."

He leaned up against the door frame and continued to smirk down at me.
"Where's your other half?"
"Orianna is dancing down stairs."
"All by her self?"
I rolled my eyes at his question
"Just go down to the party and get out of my way."

He laughed at this but moved out the way.
"I'll catch you later Ressie."
Let me tell you about Greg Jordan .
He's the quarterback at our school, every girl is in love with him. He's a player.
Ronny is his best friend and captain of the football team. Ronny is a player too but he's not a jerk like Greg. He just flirts with everything that moves.
I walked out of the bathroom when I was done and walked back down stairs.
I saw that Orianna was dancing with Greg and I found a couch to sit on.

Parties. Are. Not. My. Thing.

I did have fun dancing but now I was bored.

I was going through my phone and clicked on whisper

I love this app so much.

It's like Facebook but anonymous.

I scrolled through all of the "nearby" posts and came up on a one that caught my eye.

It said "I wanna be there instead of here." Simple. Just like that.

I messaged them though.
Fangirl108- Hey, are you okay?
Soldier3422- yeah, I'm okay. I just miss home.
Fangirl108- Where are you from?
Soldier3422-   Fairfield, What about you?
Fangirl108- I've never been there. What's it like? I'm from Rosewood. If you miss home, why can't you go back?
Soldier3422- I'm in the army. Fairfield is really nice. I'm stationed at Northwood though.
Fangirl108- That's so close to me! What do you do in the army?
Soldier3422 is typing...

"Hey! There you are! I've been looking for you." Startled I looked up to see Orianna
"Oh yeah. I've been sitting on the couch and just messing around on my phone. " I replied

"Are you ready to go home?"
"Yes!!!!!! Finally!"
"Oh hush. It didn't kill you to go hang out with normal people and get out of your room!" She said
"It could have, if I wouldn't have found a couch to sit on."
"Shut up and let's go home."

She's so nice to me. I rolled my eyes and headed out of the house.

The car ride home was silent as she fell asleep.
Awh, she's so cute when she's asleep - total creeper, but she's my best friend I can do that.
I pulled into my drive way and woke her up.

Home sweet home.

I couldn't help but keep thinking about the person I was talking to earlier...

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