Chapter 4

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Ressie's POV
                      I woke up refreshed from yesterday. Today is going to be a great day. I kept telling my self this as I walked into the gates of school. I heard giggling when I passed a group of girls and I looked over to see them whispering and pointing at Duncan, who just winked in return to their stares.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards my locker. "Jealous are we?" I turned to see Duncan smirking down at me. "What am I jealous of exactly?"  I had no clue what he was talking about.

"You're jealous that I gave them the attention you crave from me." He said when his smirk grew.

"Oh please. I don't crave any attention from you. This" I pointed between him and me " is already too much attention from you. Especially when I'd rather not have you talking to me." I heard him laugh while I went to go to Orianna's locker to wait for her.

"ONE DAY PEANUT BUTTER, YOU WILL FALL FOR ME. THEY ALWAYS DO." Duncan yelled at me. I turned back to him and flipped him off and laughed at him. If he thinks I will ever like hiim, he's got another thing coming.

I walked over to Orianna's locker and waited for her to put her stuff in it and grab what she needed for class. I looked at phone hoping that I had a text message from Dante.

I didn't.

I just needed to talk to him. Part of thought that he lied to me about having feelings for me, but the other part of me knew that it didn't have anything to do with me. At least I hoped it didn't.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see Orianna's brown eyes look at me with concern.

"It's nothing Oreo. I'm fine." I just waved off the question like it's nothing.

"I know you Rebecca Jay, there's something wrong."

"I don't want to talk about it. It's stupid to be upset over anyway."

The day hasn't even started and I just want to curl up on my bed and watch Criminal Minds.

The bell rang signaling that it's time for lunch. It's about time. I need my food.

I walked over to the table to see Orianna, Ronny, and Greg waiting for me. I sat down next to Ronny and began to eat while deciding if I should text Dante or not.

"What's up babe?" Ronny put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a side hug.

"I'm not upset." I really need people to stop asking me this before I punch them in the throat.

He rolled his eyes and me and stole a bite of my pasta. Jerk.

"Ronny! Baby! Come sit with us! Why are you sitting next to a piece trash." A high pitched voice said. We all turned to see Raquel and her friends standing at the end of the table, with her hands on her hips.

"Raquel, I'm sitting here today baby." Ronny said in a soothing voice.

Wait. Baby? What the fuck?

I looked at Orianna and she had the same look I had. Confused as hell.

We looked at him and he ignored our stares.

"But Ronny Bear!! You promised me you wouldn't sit next to this fake bitch."

"I'm fake? 😂 oh please, at least I don't have to draw in my eyebrows or stuff my bra with socks." She scoffed and turned to Ronny.

"You're going to let her talk to your girlfriend like that? Oh wait, I'm sorry. I mean it. You shouldn't wasting your time baby with such an ugly thing. I mean please, who wants a fat ugly ass bitch who can't stick up for itself and barely has friends. It probably hasn't had a boyfriend either and I can totally see why. No one wants to be near.... Well , that." I clenched my jaw and fists together. I can't believe Ronny was letting her talk to me like that.

"Baby, you need to calm down." Ronny said.

I looked at him in disbelief. He avoided my eyes and looked down.

"What the fuck! Ronny??" I looked at him waiting for an answer and it never came.

"The only reason why he's friends with a thing like you, is because he feels the need to the community a service and he feels bad for your ugly ass. At least, that's what he told me last night. I have the texts right here." Raquel showed me the texts.

Ronny 💖💖💖- Fucking Ressie is being her usual annoying ass self. I regret being friends with her.

Raquel- Why don't you just tell her the truth?

Ronny💖💖💖- Baby, I can't just tell her that I don't want to be friends with someone like that. I mean it's bad for my rep, but I can't be a complete ass to her. Greg is dating her best friend.

She smirked at me and said "See. No one wants to be around you. You're worthless. Just a waste of space." I looked at Ronny and he didn't say anything.

"So it's true then? You hate me? You regret being friends with me? I'm just an annoying ass person? That's what you think of me????" I got up and grabbed my stuff from the table. He grabbed my arm and I yanked it out of his grip.

I just didn't want to be here anymore.

"You know, Ressie is a better person than you will ever be Raquel. She doesn't need Botox to feel confident or sleep with half of the football team and make others feel bad about themselves to make her self feel better." I heard Orianna say.
I grabbed my back pack and headed towards the door. "Awh look everybody! The little bitch is crying." I heard Raquel laughing.
That's it. I walked up to her and punched her in the face then walked out of the door.

"Wait! Ressie!" I walked faster. I didn't want to hear a lie out of his mouth. "Rebecca! I'm sorry!" I stopped and turned around to face the guy who I thought was my friend. "You're sorry Ronald? After everything that happened in there, that's what you have to say to me? Go back to your girlfriend and leave this annoying ass girl alone. Apparently I've caused enough trouble in your life already." I turned on my heels leaving him speechless and walked out of the building.

Once I was outside, I let the tears start spilling. I walked to my house and texted Dante.

Ressie- I know you don't want to talk to me, but I just really need you... I know you probably won't read this.

At this moment... I truly felt unwanted and unloved.

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