Chapter 9

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Ressie's POV

I couldn't get over the fact that I just Dante. I have been talking to him to him for over a month now. We talked about anything and everything. I didn't know how to feel about meeting him. I have told him things that I haven't even told Orianna. I just felt comfortable with him. Knew he wouldn't judge me, even if he did, it didn't matter because we didn't know each other.

I just... I was having mixed emotions about him at the moment. " Are you okay Ressie?" Dante asked me
" What are you doing here?"
"I am here for my brother. Got a call saying he got into a fight." He looked at me expectingly
" You're Dean's older brother? Do you know what they were fighting about?" I asked shakily
He just shook his head. " I am but I don't know what they were fighting over."

By this time I was tapping my foot, I did this when I was getting mad. I looked at him to see if he was lying but I couldn't make anything out.

I scoffed

"Yeah okay. So you didn't tell your brother about us? Because that's what those two idiots were fighting about. Me. Talking. To. You." I whispered

He looked surprised

Oh he's good.

"Ressie..." He started " I didn't tell him about you. I swear. The last thing I wanted to talk to my brother about was me talking to a girl his age."
I didn't know whether to be thrilled or take offense to that.

I glanced at him. Then decided to just ignore him.

After 5 minutes of silence he spoke up again. "You're really going to ignore me?" He said angrily

He's moody today.

I glared at him. "You seriously expect me to talk to you after you said- you know what. It doesn't matter." Before he could say anything his brother came out with Principle Baker.

"Ah this must be your brother, Mr. James. Nice to meet you. Your brother has 3 days of detention." Damn. He gets straight to the point. "And I hope I don't ever see him in my office again." Baker smiled at the James brothers.

They started to walk past me when I got up and grabbed Dean's wrist. I looked between the two guys. " We need to talk Dean." I raised my eyes brows at him waiting for a response. He nodded his head and took out his phone.
"Give me your number and we'll meet up after school. My detentions don't start until tomorrow."

Have you ever tried to indirectly blame someone? Yeah. This was happening right now. I felt like he was either blaming me or Duncan. Probably Duncan because I wasn't the one who fought him.

Duncan came out of the office next, he didn't look at me on his way out.

"Duncan!" I called after him "Duncan! Wait!"
He stopped and waited for me to catch up to him.  He walks really fast. Holy crap.
I huffed out a breathe before straightening up so I was eye level to his chest. He's super tall compared to me okay?

"What do you want Lewis?" He asked in a bored tone. Oh okay. So last names huh? I see you.
"Well Harris. I want to know what your problem is?" I said glaring up at him.
He smirked down at me "oh like you don't know baby." I cocked an eye brow at him "you really think if I knew why you were beating people up over me and being an ass to me I would ask you about it? You're not as smart as I thought then."
"Was that supposed to be an insult baby?" He smirked down at me. He bent down so he was eye level with me. Oh HELL no.
"So you can't get to me so you have sex to a guy 6 years older than you? Damn, If I would've known you like older guys, I would've hooked you up with my dad." I tried to not show how hurt I was. So I slapped him.
"That's what you think of me? That's surprising since you date a chick that would sleep with your dad. She has slept with half of the football and some of this is going on now! You're so blind you can't see that's she's using you. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. You just practically called me a slut and I still care about you getting hurt. Ha. Must show how naive I am huh?" He looked intensely at me thinking of what to say next.
"You're jealous! " he concluded
"Um what do I have to be jealous of? Her? Dating you? I'd pass." I snorted
"Oh shit. I forgot you only like old dick."
"Excuse me?! He's 6 years older! We haven't done anything, and even if we did it is NONE of your concern Duncan Harris. Go fuck yourself."

I started walking away but stopped when I heard what he said next.

"I didn't know you were that easy Rebecca. I mean, I've heard stories, but never knew how much of it was true until now. You just never struck me as type of girl that hate. That you make fun of. A girl like Alicia. You're just another school slut." He yelled down the hall.

"I'm not dating you, so I'm not that big of a slut now am I? If you really knew me, like you claim you do, you would know I haven't even had my first boyfriend, let alone hooked up with someone or kissed them! I'm not another girl that hooks up with their flavor of the week in a janitor's closet. I am NOTHING like you or like your girlfriend. I'm done with you Duncan. I'm done wasting my time on you. I thought we were friends but I was dead wrong." I tried to hold in the tears as I walked out of the school.

To Oreo: I'm walking home. Come by after school?

From Ressie.

Oreo- You okay baby girl?
Ressie- Nah. I'm just done.
Oreo- I will be at your house right after school. You'll tell me all about it okay?

I just read the text and continued my walk home.

By 3:05 Orianna was on my bed. We laid across my bed in silence. Well that is until she opened her mouth.

"So spill." She said

I sighed before telling her everything from the night of party up to today.

"Why didn't you tell me Ressie cup?" She looked hurt
I looked away with guilt in my eyes
"I didn't want you to judge me..." I spoke softly
"I wasn't going to judge you. I'm not judging you now am I?" She said
"I'm sorry Oreo..." Man, i just couldn't do anything right now, huh?

She tackled me with a huge hug

"You're suffocating me Oreo!" I tried to wiggle out her grip but she just tightened it.
"Have you learned your lesson now to not keep anything from your bestest friend?" She said cruelly
"Yes!" I choked out
"Okay!" She said happily

That was just the start of girl's night

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