Chapter 28

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Marry me that's what he said. 

         "Are you serious?" I choked out

         "In the future... yes." He answered

Declan cried cutting me off
"Hold on baby."

"Shhh baby, it's okay."

"I'm going to make him a bottle, can you wait a minute?" I asked

"Actually I have to go." He said shortly

"Bye baby boy. I love you" Then he ended the call

Pushing down the hurt I turned my focus onto Declan. My baby boy.

After finishing his bottle,I burped him and he fell asleep soon after.
Yes. I sent texted to Dante. Whatever he took that to mean is on him. I knew what it meant. I want to live my life with him, whether it be now or in the future I want him to mine forever.

Marriage. I know I still shouldn't be thinking about this but it wasn't something someone would forget so easily. I looked at my text that I sent him and saw that he read it.

Okay. I thought. I was moody the rest of the day.

"You pmsing?" Orianna asked me

I glared at her "No I'm not fucking 'pmsing'."

"Well okay then." She said slowing backing up.

"How's my God son?" She grinned

"He's doing good! He's 2 months today actually." I gleed

"HE'S GOING UP SO MUCH!!" She yelled

"Calm down Oreo!" I laughed

"He's 2 months, not 2 years old. " I reasoned

"BUT STILL!!!" She wasn't gonna let this go.

"I am coming over to see him!!!"

"After school." I said

"Ugh. I supposed. After school." She huffed

"He hasn't texted you back?" Oreo asked
I told her what happened last night.

"Nope." I said

"Are you fucking kidding me? He practically proposes to you then ignores you?!?!?"" She ranted

"I mean, it's whatever. I guess." I said

"No it's not whatever. He can't drop a bomb like that off of you then ignore you."

"I just, I love him and it hurts me to think that he would ever think that I doubt that. He makes my whole world go around. I was nervous when I told him about Declan because I didn't now what to think of it. No I didn't prepare for him to say he was going to dump me but I didn't exactly prepare for the "hell yes" response I got either. Every day is something new with us. He keeps me on my toes. My whole life has been unexpected things happening and this- this- what I have with him, our relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't get to give him my response to his question but I sure as hell would never leave him. He surprised me. But yes, I would marry this man and love him with all of my heart because I already do that every day, I just don't have the ring." I said

"Can I ask you something...?" Oreo asked timidly

"You're never shy to ask me anything." I stated

"True. Good point. Okay so here it goes- what makes him different from other guys? I mean, what if he hurts you? What if he doesn't get over this?"

"It's funny you ask that. I have thought about these questions before, not the last one but the others yes. Everyone has that worry. That they will get their heart broken by someone they love. He had showed me that I don't have to worry about that. Yeah we're gonna argue and disagree but that's because it's normal. He's different because he doesn't push me to do anything I don't want too. He got to know me before anything happened. He didn't use me liking him to his advantage. It was mutual. He jokes. Knows when to be serious, loves our child. He's just perfect. I don't know how to really put it in words. " I explained

"You guys are gonna get married one day. That look on your face right there, that's a true sign." She said

"I am the maid of honor right?"  She questioned

"Of course!"

"Better be"

That's how we spent the night. Laughing and talking. Worries didn't exist anymore.

Gonna update again on Friday 8/11
Hope you guys liked this chapter!!!
What do you think about the proposal?

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