Chapter 35

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                    Relationships in high school rarely last very long or go on when people finish high school. It'd surprise me if half of these couples lasted through the summer.

"Baby please! Why are you dumping me? I Thought we were doing good!"

"I only wanted to fuck you and that's exactly what I did. I never wanted an actual relationship with you Lic. I just didn't think it would take a whole month. "


Alicia and Tucker Francis dated a month ago and in my opinion I thought he was different and they looked good together. I didn't think he was an asshole.

"But  but, Tuck.... Baby. I thought I meant something to you."

"Ha! The only good thing I got out of dating you was $50." He said smugly

Tears stained her cheeks as she turned around and ran from the scene.

Raquel and the rest of the school who witnessed what happened laughed at the sight.

"Alicia! Wait!" I ran after her into the bathroom.

"Go away Ressie." She sobbed

"I want Raquel."

"Raquel is out there laughing at you! She was probably the one who made the bet to begin with."

She sighed heavily "I just want someone to love me. I hate being seen as a slut because I'm friends with Raquel. Tuck was the third person I've ever been with... and he only used me for sex. I really liked him Ressie" her voice cracked

Sitting on the floor, I put my arms around her and hugged her.

"Aren't you going to say I deserved it?" She asked

"Why would I do that? No one deserves to be hurt like that. No one deserves to be hurt in general but it still happens. It sucks and it goes away eventually but what you are feeling now is important and I'm not going to be a bitch and tell you to get over it. What I am going to tell you is that you should get him back. Get them all back."

"How will I do that?"

Smirking I told her about the plan I thought of.

"When are we going to do that?"

"How about at the end of school bonfire party?"

"PERFECT! That gives us enough time!" She cheered.

This was going to be fun. Raquel and the rest of her crew have no clue what was coming to them.

"What do you want to do for graduation?" Orianna asked me

"I have no clue. I'm just trying to make it to that point."

We have had so much fucking stuff to do. Dante has been helping me apply for colleges and scholarships and apparently teachers got together and gave all of us senior a project we had to finish if we want to graduate on top of regular homework and tests. FUCK ME.

"Yeah, me neither. What's the project about again?"

We literally got told this yesterday.

"You can do anything. It can be about your high school experience, achievements, personal life, what you want your future to be like, stuff like that."

The bell rang signaling that it was time to leave. Finally getting the hell out of here.

When I got home Dante was sitting on the couch with Declan while watching tv.

"Hey baby" I cheered before plopping next to them.

"Hola mi amor" He responded

I swear my heart skips a beat whenever he talks to me in Spanish. It's such a turn on. And he called me love so that gave me butterflies. Don't judge.

"How was your day? "
"It was alright." He said blankly
"Can I hold Declan?"
Passing over our baby, Declan smiled at me showing me his little gums.
"OUR BABY IS GETTING A TOOTH!!!" I practically shouted


I put my finger in Declan's mouth to feel if it was breaking through a little. Sure enough our little bugger was getting his first tooth on the bottom!
"Look baby!!" Showing him the spot where it was coming through
"Damn. "
Smiling like an idiot I silently cheered in my head that my baby is teething.

A knock at the door snapped me back to reality.
Opening the door, with Declan still in my arms I was shocked to say the least at who was the door.

"Did you miss us?"

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Next update is going to be on Monday! Labor Day!

Guys I am so excited to be so close to the end of this book. Then I can start on my next one!

Who's at the door?

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