Chapter 7

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                 I can't get Dante's text our of my head. How would he know that I had gotten a black eye?  I didn't answer his text back yet. I didn't know what to say.

      My day at school had been normal so far. Well as normal as it has been. Duncan hasn't talked  to me since the day of the fight. Our friends would ask one of us what happened but neither one of us answered. I don't know what I did to him.

Alicia and Rodger broke up the same night as the fight.  Now she was dating Duncan. Disgusting.

I had a free period so I decided to go to the football field and catch up on homework or just jam out.

After getting all of my homework done from my morning classes I still about 20 minutes to spare so I decided to put on music. While I was getting my stuff ready I heard giggles and soft moans coming from behind the bleachers.

I got down from my seat to check it out. It was Alicia with a guy that wasn't Duncan. She didn't see me so I took a picture of the couple kissing and ran to go get my stuff. I needed to find Duncan. 

While on my search for Duncan, I found Ronny and Raquel.
  "Hey Ron! Have you seen Duncan?" I asked hurriedly. 
"I think he was looking for Alicia by the football field just now. Why?" He replied
"I need to show him something."  I replied
"Oh there he is! HEY! DUNCAN! Ressie has something she needs to tell you!" 
I turned around to see Duncan and Alicia heading towards us.  Duncan had his arm around her and was busy whispering something in her ear that had her blushing. 

"What does the bitch have to say to me?" Duncan asked Ronny while he completely ignored me
The girls snickered and laughed and I tried to blink away the tears. 
"Man? What has gotten into you? You have never said that about a girl before?" Ronny asked
"I don't see a girl around here besides our girlfriends." Duncan replied 
This got the girls crying they were laughing so hard.  This time I couldn't hold in the tears any longer.

I pushed past Ronny and ran until I found the closest bathroom. If he wanted to be with a cheater, then fine, that's his fault when he finally realizes how terrible she is.

The bell rang signaling my it's time for my 5th hour. I splashed water on my face and dried it off before heading to class.

I was stopped by none other than Roger.
"Oh sorry Ressie, I didn't see you there." He said. I just walked around him, or at least I tried too. He grabbed my wrist before I could leave him behind. "Let go of me Rodger" I said thought gritted teeth.
"What's wrong Ressie?" He asked me innocently. I rolled my eyes and tugged to try to get his grip to loosen but it got stronger.

"Seriously Rodger let me go!" I yelled
"Not until you tell me what's wrong." He spat
Seriously I couldn't catch a break.
"It doesn't concern you! Just let me go!" I kept tugging but he only gripped harder.
"You're hurting me Rodger! Please let
me go!!" I pleaded

"What are you doing to her?" I heard a guy's voice say
"Nothing that concerns you Harris." I looked up to see Rodgers eyes narrow at the guy behind me
"Let her go dude." Apparently that's all it took for Rodger to actually let me. I turned around to thank the person but I saw Duncan. He walked up to me and gently grabbed my wrist, I yanked it out his hand and started to walk to class. "Ressie! Wait!" I heard Duncan yell
I didn't stop until he caught up with me.
"Are you okay?" He asked gently
I glared at him. "Oh so now you care? I thought I wasn't a girl to you. I thought I was a bitch to you." I spat towards him
"Look I didn't mean-" he tried to explain but I cut him off
"You have been a shithead towards me all me fucking week. Don't you dare try to act like you care about me now. Why don't you just go to your little girlfriend and leave me alone?"

This time he let me pass by him and didn't follow me.

I couldn't wait for lunch. I needed to emotionally eat some ice cream. Okay it's not healthy, but honestly? The only thing healthy at lunch is salad and, no thanks.

The bell finally rang!!!!!!! Good grief I couldn't wait to eat!! I decided I was going to get more than ice cream. Fries! 🍟🍟to go with my ice Cream! Yummy!!!!!!

I walked to my locker and put my things away, that didn't need and grabbed the things I did need for my afternoon classes.

When I got to the cafeteria I went straight towards the line to get food. While I was waiting, I took a glimpse around the room.

By the end of this year I can finally leave this fucking place behind.  Only 6 more months.

After I got my lunch I walked toward my table. While doing that, I saw that Raquel and Alicia were sitting there too. Great.

I sat down next to Oreo and ignored the others. I wasn't in the mood for talking. I listened to the conversations not really caring about what was going on until someone said my name.
"Ressie, do you have a thing with Rodger now?" Raquel asked
"Why would you think that?" I asked
"Well people saw you two holding hands earlier and I just thought, an easy bitch like you can't just leave another girl's guy alone." Hold up. Easy? A bitch? Haha. No.
"I didn't think we were talking about you Raquel. Last time I checked, Rodger's ex cheated on him and he broke up with her. Now he's single. It doesn't concern you but he wanted to know what was wrong and would let go of my wrist until I told him. I am trying to eat and mind my own business but if you two are just going to start shit, then you can leave MY table." I said
"Ronny are you just going to let her talk to your girlfriend like that?" Raquel pouted toward Ronny.

He rolled his eyes at her. Oh dang 😂😂
I muffled a laugh as I watched her eyes go wide. She scowled at me but then directed it at Ronny. "Excuse me? I am your girlfriend!" She shouted

Ronny just gave her a side glance and said "I don't remember asking you to be my girlfriend." Oh that's messy. We all watched as her bottom lip started to quiver as she tried to not cry.

"Ronny-" he cut me off "I'm done with you and your little friend calling Ressie a bitch and telling her she's easy. Have you both ever looked in the mirror?"

      Oh shit.
"Ronny stop-"
"No I have to say this because Duncan hasn't been treating you like a friend either."
"Are you done yet?" I asked
He stared blankly at me "yes I am."
"Good now can we all eat lunch now? Like friends?" Orianna asked
"Yeah baby we can." replied Greg

After lunch, the rest of my day zoomed by fast. Now I was waiting for the bell ring so I can leave this hell hole. 1 minute left.

YESSS!! I mentally shouted
I ran out of the class and towards the exit where I met Oreo to go home.

When I finally got home, I went straight to my room where I fell asleep until dinner time.

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