Chapter 24

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Walking into my house, I saw that my parents were here. Holding a baby.

"What are you doing here?" I asked dryly

"We finally adopted!" My so called mom cheered

"But we need you to look after him for a few months." My 'dad' added

"Are you fucking crazy? You wanted this child only to dump him on your other one?" I was beyond pissed at this point.

They looked at each other bewildered by my outburst.

"Honey... we just need your help." My mom said

"No. What you need is to stop trying to be parents."

The hurt in their eyes only made me more mad. They weren't hurt when they left me, so why care now?

"How the hell do you expect me to raise a baby by MYSELF when I'm in school?" I asked

"We got that covered. We hired a nanny." My dad said proudly. "She will start first thing tomorrow."

"Of course you did." Go fucking figure that they'd pull this shit.

"Okay well good luck. We have to get back now." My dad was trying to push my mom out the door

"Wait! What's his name?" I asked gently

"You pick. We haven't given him one yet."

"Get the FUCK out of MY house." I opened the door for them and I swear if I didn't need their money, I would've said a lot worse.
I looked at the nameless baby. I don't get why they tried. I am thankful though. I will show them that I can raise this baby without them. I've been saving up money since I was 15 in a bank account that they didn't know about because if we got to be on bad terms I didn't want them to screw it up. I looked to see that I have saved up almost $25,000. With a little more time, me and this baby will be taken care of. I just need a few more years to save up and get a day job after I graduate.

 I just need a few more years to save up and get a day job after I graduate

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Declan Drew Lewis. I picked him up out of his car seat.

"Hi baby, I'm your mom. Well your sister but I am going to raise you. I am going to be there for you no matter what. I promise you, I will be the best mom that I can be and I will NEVER EVER leave you." I may be 18 but I will do everything and anything to take care of him. I smiled as he opened his eyes. Looking at him, I saw how innocent he was and how much I loved him and I just met him.

I saw that there was an envelope next to the car seat. It had a note attached to $5,000.

This money is for baby stuff. Call me if you need help picking stuff out or knowing what to get. -mom. More like egg donor I thought.

"We're going shopping tomorrow Declan." SHIT. How the hell was I supposed to get to the mall? I needed the bottom thing that attached to the car seat... Good thing there was going to be a nanny...

Lord help me.



Releasing a big sigh I answered the call. 

"Hey hot stuff. " Dante greeted me. 

"Hey baby..." I said nervously. How was he going to react? Would he leave me? Would he hate me? 

"What's wrong babe?" He asked 

Declan decided to make his entrance at this time. Perfect timing kid. 

"Is that a baby crying?" Dante looked so confused I tried my best not to laugh. His expression was priceless. 

I got Declan out of his car seat and held him up to the camera so Dante could see.

 "He's so fucking tiny. God Damn he has a lot of hair.  What's his name?"

Smiling proudly I answered "Declan Drew..." 

"Declan Drew" Dante repeated "I like it. Who's baby is it?" Well shit. Here it goes. 

"Well, funny story actually... He's mine...." Dante's face dropped. His smile gone and replaced with a angered and hurt look. 

"I thought you said you were a virgin? You fucking lied to me? What the hell Ressie. You fucking played me like I am some bitch-" Interrupting him I rushed out "He's my brother Dante. My parents adopted him then when I got home tonight they were here with him and they gave him to me. They are too busy to raise him." 

"I am going to raise him."  

I waited a few moments for him to say something. After a minute of awkward silence I spoke up again " Look, I completely understand if you don't want anything to do with us-"  Just like how I interrupted him, Dante cut me off. "Like hell that I am going to leave you alone to raise OUR baby by yourself. I love you and as unexpected as this was, I am not leaving you."  My heart swelled hearing his words. I was independent but having to take care of my self verses another person, let alone a baby is completely different and I have no clue what I would've done if he left me alone. 

" I love you Dante..."  

Only less than 6 months left. 

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