Chapter 28: Married

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Author's POV

Jessica Jung stares at her reflection in front of the mirror while breathe in breathe out deeply. It's the day. The day that she becomes a married women. The day that she use to dreaming about since she was young was to marry someone she loves.

"Damn, why I gotta be so nervous like this?" She clenches her fist and whines like a kid.

Her own stylist, the old elderly woman who is closes to her family. She used to style Jessica on the engagement day. She opens the door and smiles.

"Annyeong sweetie" she walks to her. The woman notices the nervous feeling showing in her eyes.

Sica turns back and smiles to her. "Annyeong auntie" she couldn't even talks properly.

So she squeezes Sica's shoulder softly. "Don't worry my kid! I'll make you to be the most beautiful bride ever like what your mom told me" she chuckles.

Jessie pouts and nods. She sits still while the woman puts the make up on her. After done with the make up, she stares at herself while blinking. She looks so different from the other day.

"You did a very good job auntie!!!" She squeals while giving her two thumbs up. This is the best make up for her.

While chit chatting with the auntie, the door opens and reveals the one and only best friend-WENDY!!

Wendy walks in and amazed by her beauty. She opens her big mouth but then keeps cool. "I couldn't believe you already forget about me! So much hurt" she crosses her arm.

"Oh my gawd!! Wendy my Olaf!!" Sica runs to her best friend and hugs her tight. She barely spends time with her best friend these day. She misses her very much. It's been a very long day. It's all because of Luhan.

Wendy grins and hugs her best friend back. "I miss you so much you know!! You didn't even call me! Huh? You keep flirting with your husband until forget me??"

"No, no!! How can I forget you my babe!! I'm so so sorry!!" She releases the hug and looks at Wendy while pouting.

"Damn" Wendy chuckles. "How can someone be this gorgeous!? Are you even a human today dude?" Wendy holds her face.

"Ayee! Thankie" Sica grins. She always acts hyper, stupid and very cold toward Wendy. But she doesn't really mind that!

"If I were a boys, I would have fell for your beauty dude!!" Wendy hits her shoulder slightly.

"Huh, luckily you are girl or else I can't have Luhan as my husband" she sticks her tongue out to her. "You waste my time Wendy!! I'm just gonna do my hairs now"

"Yah! Yah! I'm so regret that I come here on your wedding" Wendy rolls her eyes and sits on the sofa wait for her.

Sica just grins and asks the auntie to do her hairs. It takes quiet long time since her hairs are so thick and long. She keep yawning but tries to close her mouth! She doesn't want to ruin her make up.

You wouldn't know that she can't sleep last night because she couldn't hide her excitement with Luhan. They just stared at each other all night.

Back to Luhan, he just puts on a slight make up to bright up his face then he wears his tuxedo. He really looks hot in this kind of classic clothes. Luhan fixes his hairs in front of the mirror and smiles.

"I couldn't believe I actually have this day, be proud Luhan" he talks to his reflection.

Luhan sits on the couch and wait impatiently. He is dying to see his soon Mrs Lu. "I couldn't imagine how beauty she is!!!"

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