Chapter 25: Accident

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Author's POV

Jessica walks back to her parents house lifelessly. She decides to stay with her parents for a while till everything get better between them.

She rings the bell waiting for her parents to open the door. Mrs Jung opens the door and it reveals her daughter who standing and looking down. She looks so pale.

"Oh my sweetie, why are you here at this time?" Mrs Jung opens her arms and hugs her daughter. She knows something wrong between those two couple.

"Eomma" Sica hugs her mom tights and lets her tears fall down. Only her mom can comfort and accompany her when she feeling down.

Mrs Jung caress her back softly tries to comfort her. "Let's get in first babe".

The 3 are sitting in front of each other in the living room. Mr and Mrs Jung look at each other trying to communicate through eyes, while Sica just stare blankly in the space like there is no soul inside her.

"Uhm.. What happen babe?" Mrs Jung opens her mouth and asks her daughter.

Sica turns her gaze to her mom, staring at her and shaking her head slightly. She doesn't want to talk.

Mr Jung walks to her and sit beside her caressing her head "We'll talk to you later, you can go to rest first sweetie"

"Thank you appa" she flash her half thin smiles. Which is a fake smile then walks to her room.

Mr Jung pats his wife hand and sighs. "Just give her time honey. I know she want to be alone"

Mrs Jung nods and sigh.


Back to Luhan, who is totally insane right now. He really want to go and find her but he has no clue where she would go.

Luhan throws a beer can away furiously. He keep drinking side the morning till now.

"I'm sorry babe" he keep murmuring and drinking.

"I'm sorry.. Please come back"

"I can't live without you" ...

He decides to grabs his phone and messages her:

"Bae.. Please stop mad at me. I'm sorry.. Please come back! You stop loving me now? " Sent.

Jessica lays on the bed and grabs her phone. She see the message which is sent by her love. She just read it but don't response him back.

She smile slightly and sigh. She miss him too, she wants to go back but her pride is too high for her to go back. She need times.

"Are you ignoring me now babe? Please don't make me go insane by this. I miss you already.. Miss to death" Luhan sent again.

Sica chuckle slightly and turns off her phone. "We'll get back together right?"

She closes her eyes and rest. Tired from everything.


Luhan keep thinking about place where she would go. Clueless him. He just realized he is too stupid. Really stupid. She definitely will go to her mansion.

Luhan hits his head. "I'm so stupid Tssk".

He grabs on his jacket, his car's key, closes the door and walks to his car. Starts the engine and drives to his only destination.

He drives very fast and he drunk too. All in his mind right now is Jessica. He faster the speed.

Unfortunately, the other comes in front of his cars and ......

Sica wakes up sweat all over her face. She has a really bad dream while she rests. Suddenly the photo of Luhan beside her bed falls down itself break in to pieces.

She is totally in fear right now, biting her lips. "Luhan.. Nothing happen to you right?"

A loud knocks on door cut her thought, "Sooyeon" her mom shouts in hurry.

"Yes mom??" She hurriedly goes and opens the door.

Mrs Jung looks so pale "Luhan.. Lu-Luhan.." She can't concentrate.

"What happen to him mom???" Sica hold her mom hand tightly and waiting for her answer impatiently.

"Mrs Xi just called us... He's in a car accident..." Mrs Jung finally told her daughter.

Jessica fells on the floor, losing her control. She cries hard. "Bring me there mom!! Bring me there"

She sits in the car impatiently and keep crying. She keep telling the driver to drive faster. "Hurry up!!!" She shouts.

Her parents tries to comfort her but they can't. She is totally in fear of losing him right now. "Wait for me Luhan ..."

Once they arrive, Jessica run fast toward his room. Her parents are surprise seeing her run. She hates running. But that's not a joke right now. She totally in hurry.

Open the doors, and all she see is an unconscious body of her other half laying on the bed with the oxygen helper.

She walks closer to him slowly can't believe what happens. "Luhan.. Please wake up... I'm here" she holds his hand tightly.

"Please I'm sorry babe! It's all my fault.. I'm so stubborn not to listens to you and meet you.. I'm sorry please wake up" Jessica cries really hard.

Their parents think they need so just give them some space and decides to leave the room.

After an hour of crying, she still sits there holding his hand and staring at his face with her puffy eyes.

Mrs Xi walks to Sica and squeeze her shoulder tightly. "He's gonna be okay sweetie"

Sica just stay silently and staring at him. The doctor comes in and checks his conditions.

"Is he okay doctor?" Mrs Xi asks the doctor full with hope.

The doctors smiles and looks at the family. "He is okay everyone.. But.."

Everyone's feeling relives. Like a thousand stone left the shoulder. But after hearing the word but..

"But what??" Sica asks him. Hearing the word but is killing her.

"We are not sure yet when will he gets up, if he's not strong enough.. He will be in a coma for many months. But Don't worry he is okay. He comes to hospital on times. We'll tries our best" the doctor says and smiles.

Everyone say thanks to him. Luhan is alive. But still worry what if he won't wake up?

"Mom and Dad you all should go to rest, it's getting late now. I can stay here and looks after him" Jessica looks at the parents.

"You sure you okay with this?" Mrs Jung checks on her daughty.

"Don't worry mom. I'm okay" Jessica smiles and bids the goodbye to the parents.

The atmosphere become so silently now. There is just two people in the room. Which is unconscious one.

Jessica caresses his cheeks softly and kisses it. "Wake up lazy head"

She holds his hand again tight "wake up and cooks for me like you used to. I'm hungry. Wake up and gives me a kiss, wake up and hugs me, tease me, plays with my hairs.. And let's go on a date"

She takes his hand to her cheeks and caresses it softly. "I miss you babe.. It's all my fault.. I'm sorry causing you too much pain. I can't forgive myself" she sighs.

Even Luhan is unconscious, but he can listens to every words she is saying. He wants to move but he can't. He is still weak. All he can do is letting his tears drops down on his cheeks.

"Wake up hurry! I'll wait for you bae" Sica kisses his hand and lays her head on his arms and closes her eyes.

"Don't worry babe! I'll wake up for you and get marry, have tons of kids.. Just give me time.. I love you" Luhan _


Back ^^ with sad chapter again
Hope you like it, it's too drama T.T
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