Chapter 9: Getting Closer

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Author's POV

Jessica opens her eyes slowly because She feels a heavy thing on her stomach. Then she found herself stays in Luhan embrace. She's shock but she feels so comfortable.

Jessica looks at the time and it's still early. She snuggle closer to his chest and feels his manly scent. Sica smile like an idiot and close her eyes again and sleep in Luhan arm again.

Luhan wakes up due to sunshine. He feels happy because Sica still stay in his arm and hug his waist. Luhan looks at sleeping beauty beside him and smile. He want to stay still but because they have school Luhan have to wake Sica up.

"Jess get up" Luhan try to wake her up.

"Hmm" she opens her eyes and find Luhan is staring at her.

"Aye, what are you staring at?" She said while rubbing her eyes.

Luhan chuckles. "Staring at sleeping beauty".

Sica blush and hit him softly. Luhan just laugh.

"We are going to be late for school, kid" Sica said and grin.

"Yah, I'm not kid anymore. I'm handsome man" Luhan pout.

"Pfft" she laughs.

"But Luhan, I don't have any clothes" Sica said and looks at him.

"Lemme get ready first and I'll drive you home" Luhan jumps off the bed and head to the bathroom.

The sleeping beauty just sit and smile. The best morning ever to wake up in someone embrace.


"Jess!!" Luhan shouts from the bathroom.

"What?!" Sica replied.

"I forget my towel" Luhan said.

"WTF" she said.

"Hurry bring the towel to me or we'll late for school today" Luhan pleaded.

Sica grabs the towel and run to the bathroom. "Here" she turn away and give it to Luhan.

Luhan smirks and grab it and close the door.

After shower, he prepare himself. Sica sits and stare at him.

"Stop staring, I know I'm handsome" Luhan said and grin.

"Who said?" Sica turn away.

"Ok princess I'm done" Luhan opens the door for her.


They drive to Jessica's mansion. Luhan waits for her in the living room. He walk around and found the baby Jung photo. He smile when he found Jessica's baby photo. Under the photo it's said "Jessica Jung Sooyeon".

"Jung Sooyeon? Cute" Luhan smile.

Then he found another photo. And it's said "Krystal Jung Soojung"

"Maybe her sister. They both got 2 name" he talks to himself.

"Sica is more cute" he mumbles. Without knowing Sica is standing behind him.

She feel her heart is flutters because of his word. "Hey" Sica pokes his shoulder.

"Done?" Luhan asked and look at her. "Hmm" she nods.

Luhan mess her hairs. "Cutie" he said.

"Yah" she pouts.

"Leggo" Luhan said holding Sica's hand and walk to their car.

Sica just follows him without say any words.

Luhan keep holding her hand till they arrive school. It's become awkward.

"Luhan" Sica calls him

"Yes?" He turn his gaze and look at her.

she point to thei hand. Luhan just smile. "Don't let go because it's feel so comfortable" he smile.

Sica cover her blush cheeks. "Kyeopta" he mess her hairs.

In the class, they're no longer bickering. Sica lay her head on Luhan's shoulder because she want to sleep. Luhan caress her hairs.

"Luhan and Jessica Detention! No sleeping in the class" the teacher shout.

"Again!!" They make the duck face.

The teacher about to said something but they hold each other hand and run out of the class. They laugh while running until reaching the gate.

"Luhan I'm tired" Sica pout.

Luhan kneel down. "Lemme piggy back you princess".

Jessica smile and jump to his back. She hug his neck tight.

"Kid, how bout your car?" Sica ask.

"Let's just get it back when the school end" luhan said and walking.

"I'm hungry" she whine.

"Lemme take you somewhere" luhan said and keep walking.

She stay silently and absorb his scent.


"Hey we're here" Luhan said and put her down.

She look at the place and look at him.

"It's the place where I always come when I'm alone and stress maybe?" Luhan looks at her

"Oh, nice place" she said and chuckle.

"Leggo in" Luhan drags her inside.

"Wow" Sica amazed by the place. "Is it belong to you?" She asked

"Yes, It's just like a apartment" he smile.

Sica sits on the couch happily.

"Wait here, I'm going to order some foods"
Luhan said and dial his phone.

After order, he sit beside her. "I always to bring someone special here and you're the first one"

Sica stare at him. Luhan poke her nose and laugh. She pout cutely make Luhan want to squeeze her alive.

*knock knock*

"The foods are here maybe" Luhan walk to the door and get all the foods.

He sets it on the table. "Let's eat"

Sica eats happily because she feels so happy. Luhan chuckle of her cuteness.

She feeds him and he just eat it. They feed each other.

Luhan grab the tissue and wipe the sauce on her lips. "Childish" he grin.

Ice princess just stare at him because he is the only one who can melt her ice.

They spend their time in that place together until night.


They are on the way back to school, Sica sleeps on his shoulder.

He lay her on the backseat and drive to her home.

After arrive at her mansion, Luhan carry sleeping beauty to her bedroom and lay her on the bed.

"Good night" he lean closer but he force himself not to kiss her but caress her cheeks.

Then, he go back home.


Sorry if it's too boring ><"
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