Chapter 14: Taking care

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Author's POV

Sleeping beauty who is in a dreamland now wake up by her ringing phone. She looked for her phone everywhere while her are still closing.

"Urghhhh! Who call this early??" She said angrily.

"Hello!!??" Jessica answered angrily without looking at the caller ID

"Oh, I'm sorry Jessica sweetie. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep." The other line replies.

She recognize the voice and quickly look at the caller ID. It's is Mrs Xi her future mother in law. She bulge her eyes in horror. "I'm sorry...Mrs Xi...I didn't know it's" she stuttered.

"It's okay sweetie, it's May fault anyway to disturbed the sleeping beauty" Mrs Xi chuckled.

"Ha..ha" she laugh awkwardly. "So why calling this early Mrs Xi?"

"I'm just gonna ask you for a favor" Luhan's mother replies.

"What is it?" She asked curious

"I want you to look after Luhan today. He is sick. I can't take care of him because me and his father are going to have meeting this morning" She said smiling.

"He is sick? What kind of sick?" She asked worriedly.

"Just a fever. So are you busy today sweetie?" Mrs Xi asked.

"No, I'm not Mrs Xi. I'll go to your house in 30mn" she gets off the bed and walking to the bathroom.

"Don't rush yourself sweetie. He is still sleeping anyway. Good Luck" she is happy because her future daughter in law will taking good care of Luhan.

Sica pops in a shower and hurry prepare herself. She puts on a light make up and put on some scent and ready to go. While walking to the front door she bumps in to the maids.

"Where is my parents?" She asked her maid while putting on her shoes.

"Mr and Mrs Jung are going on meeting" the maid bows.

"Hmm, I'm going to Luhan's house today" she tells the maid and walk to her car.


It's took about 10mn to reaches Luhan's house. She walks to the front door and the maid bows her. They already know her. The house is really quiet so she thought his parents are already out. She walks to Luhan's room and opens the door quietly.
Luhan is still sleeping peacefully on his bed cover by the blanket.

She walks to him and sigh. She putting his hand on his forehead and it's burning like its can cook an egg. "maybe because of the rain yesterday" she sits on the bed beside him and looks at him.

He is too handsome and hot with his messy hairs. Sica cannot control herself, she really wants to kiss him. But she won't let her pride down. She sits there playing her phone waiting for him to wake up.

After another 15mn, Luhan finally opens his eyes slowly. He can see the person he wants to see so much sitting on the other side of the bed scrolling on her phone.

Luhan smiles and reaches out his hand to grab Jessica's wrists. She is shock almost drops her phone and looks at him.

"Awake?" She asks and smiling at him.

Luhan didn't say anything but pulling her to sleep beside him.

"Yah, what are you doing?" She looks at him while Luhan pulls her closer and wrap his arm around her waist.

"Just sleep. Give me more 10mn" Luhan grins and keep hugging her.

Sica gives up and snuggle closer because she finds it's really comfortable. Luhan smiles at her action and caressing her hairs.

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