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"You're not weak Coil" said Luna.

Ashley was standing next to them both. Coil was in pain and Luna was trying to help Coil.

"Coil I'm sorry. I just wanted to win" she said with a smile.

Coil tried to get up. Luna helped him. Coil and Luna walked off outside the forest.

"T... T-thank you... Luna... I... L-l-love you..." Said Coil trying to smile.

But he couldn't. He wanted to be strong but he was being pushed in a corner. He suddenly ran off.

"Coil!" Said Luna running after him.

Coil continued running but tripped and fell on the floor.

"AGH!!! WHY CANT I BE STRONG!!!" He said in total anger.

Luna hugged him hoping to calm him down.

"You are strong Coil. You're strong on the inside. And that's why I love you... Please don't be upset..." She said with a calm voice.

"Luna... I want to go home... Maybe that's why I'm upset" said Coil.

Luna looked him.

"But you are home Coil. You have me and Moon an-" said Luna.

"I hate Moon" he said without hesitation.

"Yeah... I can understand that" she said.

"Do you know where your old village is?" She said.

"yes but I was too afraid to go back because if I did, they would just kick me out"

"well... I will come with you then" said Luna.

Coil thought for a moment then he responded.

"fine. But I want you to help me calm down if I get scared" he said as they both walked off.

What seemed to be at least 6 or 7 miles of walking, they finally come across a village. It wasn't too big or too small.

"H-here we are..." Said Coil nervously. Luna held his hand.

"Don't be scared Coil" she said.

"That's easy for you to say!" Said Coil.

"Please do it, for me?" She said with a face of cuteness.

Coil looked at her and smiled.


They both walked to the village. It was filled with markets, houses, people, animals and even had a school. Finally, they reached the house Coil grew up in. Coil was nervous. He wanted to see his family. But he was scared if they rejected him. He knocked on the door and waited... After 2 minutes, a women came to the door. She had long, blonde hair with blue eyes. She wore a white woolly jumper with a big pink heart in the middle and leather blue jeans. Finally, she wore white heels on her feet. She looked at Coil.

"May I help you?"

She didn't recognise him at all.

"Hello... Um... Uh..." Said Coil.

Luna looked at him.

"You can do it I believe you" She whispered.

Coil looked at Luna then back at the woman.

"My name is Coil! I'm your son!" He said with pride.

The woman was completely surprised. She looked at him and remembered everything.

"C-coil...?" She said.

Coil nodded. She hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" Said Coils mother with tears.

Coil got embarrassed.

"Uhh... N-no problem..."

"Come in please. Welcome home Coil!"

Shadows of the growing past. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now