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Coil was stuck in the hospital for weeks. There was absolutely nothing to do. The TVs in the hospital never work right and when they do, they show poor programs. The food was unfamiliar to Coil and Overall, he just felt like a drop of red dye in a bucket filled with blue paint. However, Luna was almost always with him. She brought flowers every week and made Coil feel safe. However, one morning, Coil and Luna were talking.

"So why doesn't Ashley come to visit?" Said Coil with curiosity.

"Ashley hates germs... And crowded places..." Said Luna.

Then, a doctor walked in. Coil and Luna stopped talking and looked at him. The doctor looked worried and his face was just filled with grim. He had bad news. He wore a mask on his face with a white suit and blue plastic gloves over his hands. He walked over to Coil holding a chart that looked very very unusual...

"Coil... I have some horrible news" he said.

"What!?" Said Coil and Luna at the same time.

"Coil... You have a very very rare disease in your genetics. It's something that we have not experienced before. We call it, hyper stress syndrome. I'm afraid that when you get stressed, angry or even in a rare case, sad, then you lose control of all motion in your brain. It's as if you bare 2 souls in the same container. The container being the body of course. And this soul is thirsty for the blood of the opponent in a fight. I'm sorry to say that you are just far too dangerous for this world so we decided to keep you under a 'lock down'. I'm afraid you will never be able to go outside the human world again" he said

Luna and Coil were shocked. Luna immediately stepped in front of The Doctor protecting Coil.

"No!" She said.

The doctor sighed.

"Fine. But we will be monitoring you. If you selflessly attack innocent people, we have no choice but to give you a capital punishment!" He says as he places a strange, robotic collar on his neck.

"You have to stay here for 1 more week. Then you can go out. But remember what I said. I hate repeating myself..." Said the doctor as he walked out the room...

A week had passed by very slowly... Coil was recovering during that time and even though all the doctors and nurses told Coil not to train, he still did anyways. It took Luna to convince him to stop. When Coil left the hospital, everyone that he knew was out there. His parents... Ashley... His brother. Heat and... Even Moon... They all welcomed him back with hugs (except Moon of course) and smiles. Coil looked up at the sky. He saw clouds, the deep, blue sky and the bright, beckoning sun. Then... He saw a cloud shaped like Catty! He looked at it. The Catty shaped cloud winked at him before fading away... Coil looked at his friends and family. He knew, that his life here was what he wanted.

The end... Of part 1

Shadows of the growing past. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now