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*Mycroft's POV*

I hear the front door slam as Sherlock leaves to go to school. I know I should be leaving now but I just can't bring myself to go. If I go, I'm bound to see him, to have eye contact with him, possibly even talk to him. What if I accidently spill my biggest secret that I like him and then he'll think that I'm a gay freak and then we won't ever talk again! I need to stop thinking too deeply into this. I'm Mycroft Holmes. Nothing beats me.

But him.

Greg Lestrade

The cool, mysterious guy in my class, who always smokes on the school grounds and always keeps to himself. Apart from when he decides to talk to me. He talks about how he and his dad go hunting all the time and kill foxes and he shows me all the grungy music he listens to. He looks at me with that smouldering look, and it makes me melt away.

I don't want to mess it up.

I turn off my radio after the song finishes, and I walk downstairs to an empty house. Parents are at work, as per usual, and Sherlock's at school, where I should be. In fact, today's the day where Greg is in every one of my lessons. He even sits next to me in mathematics, and I have that twice!

I flop myself onto the brown leather sofa and I cover my face with my hands. How will I ever go to school again, knowing that I'm in love with another guy? I should just quit. I'll never have to see him again, and I can just forget about these weird feelings. But I like these feelings... Ugh I don't even know anymore!

I jump back off of the sofa and I grab my coat and shoulder bag, and I make my way slowly to school.

Around 45 minutes later, I arrive at school. I missed registration and the first part of first lesson but who cares. I'm like the cleverest person in this crap joint! I walk to the SCIENCE block where I have Mr Tennant first teaching us physics. I already know all the crap, so I don't really need to show up!

I walk through the door, a grumpy look on my face, and all the students stare at me. Including Greg, whose sitting in the back corner of the class, leaning back in his chair and smoking a cigarette. The teacher not even caring as he'll never stop doing it. I shut the door behind me, a little too forcefully, a loud bang coming from it. I cringe internally, the door banging lower than intended. All eyes follow me to my seat, where I plonk myself down and sit there in silence.

"And why are you late, Mr Holmes?" Asked Mr Tennant, taking off his rectangular glasses and giving me a death stare.

I couldn't come into school because I think I'm deeply In love with one of your students and I felt love sick.

"I missed the bus." I lie and that was the end of that. Mr Tennant carries on with his physics lesson and I just sit there in boredom, all information going through one ear and out the other. I decide to take a peak at Greg from across the room, and he's sitting at the back, taking a drag from his cigarette and staring at me with a devilish grin. I immediately return my attention to the front of the room, and my cheeks start to heat up.

He was looking at me????

I start to scream internally, not daring to look again. I start tapping on the desk to focus on something else, but that soon dies down when Dean Winchester, who's sitting next to me, starts to tell me to shush.

I take another quick peak and he's chuckling softly in the corner, and its at my behaviour. He takes another drag and he blows out the smoke in the most sexy way, I swear I felt shivers go down my spine. He smirks at me, and that was when I decide to return back to Mr Tennant, the room becoming all too hot for my liking.

After half an hour of learning nothing, the bell finally rings, signalling us to leave. Everything suddenly dawns on me. I have maths next. I grab my shoulder bag and jacket and I make my way to maths, slowly.

I feel a presence walk beside me and my heart beats 10x faster when I realise its Greg, walking with me. Hes wearing a grey T-shirt, black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket with his black Doctor Martens. He takes a drag from his cigarette and then he offers it to me. I shake my head. I don't smoke. Sherlock does, but I don't.

Greg stops walking and I stop with him, all of the students walking past us.

"Wanna get outta here? I know a great place in school where we could just hang out, do some weed and shit. No one will know." Asks Greg, running his fingers through his brown hair.

Should I go with him and just blow class? I mean, I was going to do it anyway so what the hell. Perhaps I could maybe make a move? Pffft, no.

"Alright Lestrade." I say and he smirks at me, leading me to his secret spot on school grounds. I'm still technically in school, plus the teachers are shit so they won't even notice I'm gone.

Lestrade brings me to a patch of grass behind the abandoned IT block near the back of the campus. He sits down on the grass and takes out a bag with a green substance in it. My guess is its weed. He then reaches into his pocket and takes out some roll ups, and places it on the patch of grass. I put my shoulder bag down and I join him, sitting opposite him and crossing my legs.

"Ever done weed before Holmes?" Asks Lestrade, preparing a roll up. I feel my cheeks start to blush. What should I say? No because that's the truth, or yes to look cool and possibly get in his pants at a very low percentage?

"Err, yeh totally." I lie, horribly, and Greg laughs at my horrible lying. He finishes preparing it and he offers it to me. I take it out of his hands and I stare at it, lying in the palm of my hand. I look up at Greg and he seems to get that I have absolutley no idea what I'm doing.

"Lying to me huh? Do you really want to get in my pants that bad?" Jokes Greg and my face literally Implodes into itself. I just wanted to crawl away and die. My face went the brightest shade of red that exists. My body stiffens and I seem to not be able to breath, as my eyes look like they're falling out of my skull.

Greg obviously notices my reaction and he acted a little differently to what I expected.

"Hey I was only joking. Are you alright? Can you even breathe Mikey?" He asks worriedly, crawling closer towards me and putting his hand on my shoulder. I just died. He called me Mikey. Mikey!

I fall on my back onto the grass and I breath in a heavy breath. I shouldn't have taken it that seriously. But he suggested me having sex with him, I mean who wouldn't act like that in real life?

...maybe I did overreact...just a bit.

I hear Greg laughing and then he joins me on the floor and we stare at the blue sky, smothered in fluffy white clouds.

"I didn't think you'd take it so seriously." Greg whispers and I turn my head slowly to face him. Hes already facing me and he's staring into my eyes, his eyes soft and full of care. I've never seen this side of him before. I like it. We continue to stare at each other and it seems like time doesn't pass at all. It's just us too.

And that's how I want it to be.

Hey guys! Wow two uploads in one day! I just really like where this can fiction is going and I can't wait to write it!!!!!!!


hope you enjoyed this update and I'll see you soon. (Possibly tomorrow)!


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