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*John's POV*

The next day

"So, what do you wanna do today?" Asks Mary, leaning forward on the dining table in the dining hall. She decided not to eat anything today, but I'm stuffing my face with fish and chips. I look up at her and I raise my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my mouth full of food and my brows furrowed in confusion. Mary stares at me blankly, her lips a thin line on her face, and her eyes cold and slightly narrowed. She doesn't answer my question, almost like I'm meant to know the answer.

I place my knife and fork down, losing my appetite, and I lean forward on the table to get closer to her. Her expression doesn't change. I raise an eyebrow, hoping that maybe she'll tell me what im obviously oblivious to.

She leans back in her chair and she released a long sigh, with a hint of annoyance. She avoids eye contact with me, even when I start to call her name. She doesn't answer me. Have I done something wrong?

"Mary! Talk to me, I'm so confused right now!" I plead and Mary turns her head and she looks me directly in the eyes. Her eyes are sad, and brimming with tears that are threatening to fall. What have I done?

"John. Come talk to me when you finally remember." She simply states and then she walks out of the dining room, leaving me all alone to try and think on what she's talking about.

What have I forgotten? Is it really that bad and important for her to start crying over? I feel so bad right now. Mary only cries on rare and serious occasions, so what rare and serious occasion is today? Our anniversary, no, that's in 3 months. Any kind of anniversary? No! There is literally nothing that I could've missed!

I pick up my plate forcefully and I pass it to a manly looking dinner lady, her moustache seeming to be forever getting thicker, yet I'm unable to grow a single hair. I wish she'd tell me her secret!

After a long day at school of Mary avoiding me I head to the front of the school to find Molly to do our project. Sherlock isn't in school today. After the incident yesterday, which I unfortunately wasn't there to sort out, messed up his face pretty bad so he can't come into school.

I linger around the big oak tree at the front of the school where Molly told me to meet her, but she's nowhere in sight. I look to my right, only to see students flooding out of the English block, and I look to my left, only to be greeted by a stern look from Mary.

I still haven't figured out what she was even talking about. She stares at me like she's saying a curse in her head and making me throw up slugs. God I hope she's not actually a trained witch! I don't want to throw up slugs!

My thoughts are disturbed by Molly walking up to me, her face full of no enthusiasm what so ever, and her rucksack slung over one shoulder. She looks tired as fuck!

"Hey." I say jollily, trying to lighten the mood, but all she does is stare at me like I'm the weirdest kid out there.

"Come on smeg head! Time to do some work." She sighs, grabbing my left shoulder and pushing me in front of her. I look back to see Mary looking at me, betrayal on her face and I can literally see the tears stream down her cheeks. I need to see her.

I stop walking and I turn around, getting ready to run to Mary and hug her and just kiss those tears away, but of course Molly gets in the way and pushes me in the opposite direction. I feel so helpless. I just follow Molly's instructions and I follow her lead. Hopefully this is the right decision to go by.

We arrive at Molly's house, and its bigger than I expected. It's a three story building, with a garden that leads into a small wood, filled with pine trees. I take in the view of such an amazing house, but Molly grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

"This place is great!" I say but Molly just laughs, obviously not agreeing with my statement.

"This place is a shit hole. Avoid my foster parents at all costs, and try to avoid Greg. Hes probably fucking some girl as we speak! Come on let's go upstairs!" She says, and all of a sudden I feel really uncomfortable in this household. I feel like I should leave but Molly wouldn't let me, plus i made her a promise to not let her fail.

We walk up the swirling staircase and we arrive in the dining area of the house. It's filled with a gigantic long table, accompanied with 12 dining chairs which match the colour of the room. I drop my bags on the floor next to the door and I take a seat in one of the elegant dining chairs.

"So, I was thinking of a topic that we could do, but we would have to have 2 more people." Molly starts, sitting in a seat next to me, and opening a laptop that literally came from nowhere.

"I could get Sherlock and possibly his partner to help us." I ask, and Molly just nods. I don't even think she heard me properly as she's so captivated in whatever she's doing on the laptop.

"Right. So I was thinking of doing something within a detective type story. I was thinking that someone could be a detective, but not a normal kind of detective, you know, and then another character could be his best friend and what not. Then k was thinking that I could be like this doctor or pathologist and I could have a boyfriend who is actually the villain of the story in disguise." She begins.

"Wow. You've put a lot of thought into this!" I say and Molly just looks at me. Sorry for intruding!

Molly carries on with her plan for our project, and it actually seems really good. And the weird thing is, the more Molly talks about it, I can see her beam. She is so into this kind of stuff and I actually see her smile as she comes up with ideas. It makes my stomach flip flop in a weird way when I see her smile. Her smile makes me smile. I can't really explain it.

"Hey Moll's. You gotta help me put this shit up for dads birthday!" Says Greg, walking in and interrupting us, holding a bunch of birthday decorations.

Birthday decorations.


"Oh shit!" I shout and they both stare at me like I'm having a stroke or something.

"What's up John?" Molly asks, full concern in her eyes, and to be honest, it weirds me out. Molly is acting so different to how she usually acts, and to be honest, I'm kinda scared of it, but not at the same time.

"Mary. That's what I forgot! It's Mary's fucking birthday!" I shout and I jump off the dining chair and I dive for my stuff. I have to get out of here as fast as possible and find Mary.

"Sorry. I..I've gotta go!" I say and then I'm off like a shot, running for the front door and running franticly down the street, hoping that it's not too late.

Hey guys! Quite a late update, but here's some more of John and Molly! Omg I can't wait to write what happens to them...SPOILERS. I feel so evil right now hehehe

Hope you enjoyed this update!


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