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*Sherlock's POV*

Right, today's the day.

Today's the day that Irene and I officially 'break up'.

Today's the day that I confess my feelings for Jim to him.

Today is going to be one hell of a rollercoaster!

As Molly and John are going on their date today at around 2, Jim and I will take our plan into action. The plan is to basically destroy her heart, but to be honest, I'm fine with that!

I will ring her up on my phone since we did exchange our phone numbers and I will tell her to meet me at the local park by the lake to 'talk'. Then the action will take place. I suppose we may get into a bit of an argument but that will be perfect. I'll tell her I like guys and then Jim will do his thing.




Hopefully the plan will work - it should work and then Jim and I will live happily ever after in our rainbow wonderland.

Oh the fucked up dreams I have!


I wait patiently in the local park with Jim. We sit on a wooden park bench opposite the gargantuan lake that lies before us. The size of the lake takes my breath away - it's really that huge.

I swing my legs back and forth as I wait for Irene to arrive and this whole thing to be over. It's quite scary how my life is going to change so soon and I have mixed feelings of being frightened out of my life and absolutley 100% ready and excited for it to happen.

"I see her. She's on her way." Jim suddenly says, staring at the left side of him and my heart stops. This is happening. I don't know why im so scared I should be really happy that I'm finally leaving her and I can possibly have my chance to be with jim. Perhaps it's the fact that when i tell her that I'm gay she may spread it all around school and it may reach the ears of a certain Draco Malfoy. I know I shouldn't be scared of everyone knowing but it's my thing ya know and I want it to only be my thing. At least for a while.

I follow Jim's eyeline to see Irene skipping along the cobblestone path towards the bench that we are sitting at. She looks slightly confused as to why Jim is here along with us but she'll soon find out.

Ahhhh omg

Irene stops skipping when she finally reaches the wooden park bench and she puts her hands on her hips.

"Why is he here Sherly?" Irene calls me that stupid nickname again and I tighten my hands into fists, ready to break her heart in two.

"Hes come here to back me up." I stand up from the bench and tower over her. I swear I saw a hint of fear in her eyes for a second and it definitely does satisfy me a bit. Jim follows suit though he doesn't tower her like I do - awww the lil midget.

"What's going on?" Irene asks, her voice shaky. I play with the hems of my sleeves of my long sleeved T-shirt nervously as I begin to tell her the truth.

For the last time hopefully.

"Irene. I don't know where you got the idea from but we aren't actually dating." I try to say through gritted teeth, trying to be as nice as possible. Irene just laughs back at me.

"Of course we're dating what're you talking about!" Irene replies with a confused smile upon her face but that just infuriates me more.

"No we're not Irene. I don't fancy you. Hell, I don't even like you! So whatever sick fantasy you've got going on, it needs to stop because you're ruining my life!" I slightly over exaggerate the situation but it does seem to hit hard.

A dark frown appears onto her face and she slaps me right across the right cheek. It stings slightly but I'm too angry to feel the pain. I then see Jim push Irene to the ground and she screams in pure rage. God she's a piece of work.

Irene stands up again but this time her hands are also balled up into fists and she screams at me with pure anger.

"You're being a horrible boyfriend! How dare you!" She screams and I just want to hit her there and then. Screw the boys can't hit girls rule!

"I'm not your fucking boyfriend Irene! I'm fucking gay! I like boys!" I scream and Irene seems slightly taken aback. Before I knew what was happening, Jim grabbed my cheeks and he pressed his lips onto mine.




It wasn't a passionate kiss like you see in the movies it was more like a sweet smooch or something. I don't know I've never kissed someone before! After a few seconds of his heavenly lips upon mine he breaks the kiss. He looks me in the eyes with his dark, devious eyes and with a smirk. I then turn my attention back to Irene and she is fuming. And I mean fuming.

The next second, somehow her rage gave her super strength because we ended up in the lake.

Yep, she threw us both into the lake.

She then stormed off with tears streaming down her face, never to be spoken to again. Hooray for me!

I move the now soaking wet hair out of my face as I straddle in the dirty lake water. Jim then comes up out of the water and gasps for air, rubbing his face to then open his eyes. He looks at me and in the situation we seemed to have gotten ourselves into and we just laugh. We laugh at the fact that the plan worked. We laugh that Irene threw us literally into a lake!

The laughter soon dies down and Jim slowly swims towards me. My heart begins to quicken in its pace. Jim stops just a few inches in front of my face.

"I wanted to do that for ages." Jim whispers and the cool air from his mouth makes goosebumps onto my skin and it makes me shiver slightly. He then crashes his lips onto mine. Our lips move in synch to a steady rhythm and I can't help but feel like everything that will happen now will be okay. Everything will be okay.

But everything soon goes to shit.

Hey guys! New update and woop finally some sheriarty fluffy action! Leaving it on a cliffhanger and you'll find out what happens in the next chapter! Haha you're all going to hate me!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now