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*Sherlock's POV*

We finally finished the scene which seemed to take years to perfect. Molly kept on insisting that we reshoot the scene, because, and I quote " it didn't hold that much pazaaz". Whatever pazaaz is, I officially hate it.

After we filmed, the rest of the day was completely normal. I got the tube back to my house, and joined aunt Hudson on the couch while we watched Jessica Jones together. I didn't see Mycroft last night so I'm assuming he was out with Greg still, probably arranging their wedding or something. My parents came home just when I was about to go to bed. They looked exhausted and they didn't even speak to anyone as they entered.

My parents are absolute Bors. To be honest, I wouldn't even notice if they were in my life or not, because they're never here.

I went to bed and snuggled into my warm duvet covers, not being able to get Jim out of my head. His perfect brown eyes, and his messy black hair is just so ahhhh. Hes so fit and adorable and he actually said that he likes me and I just can't ahhhh.

He actually likes me. Surely that should give me the confidence to ask him out, but probably not. Why am I such an introvert. If only I had the confidence to actually speak to him and ask Him out!

I slept like a baby last night, Jim being the only thing getting me through the night.


The next morning I had to wake up early again, because I had school again, which I was not looking forward to. I had music twice which meant I had to spend time with Irene and constantly dodge Draco, although I don't think he'll be a problem anymore.

This whole Irene situation seriously needs to just stop. Somehow I'm now her boyfriend, although we haven't actually spoken since that previous music lesson, which makes me #blessed. And the fact that when Jim found out that he was so angry, just makes him even more dreamy, even though he is quite intimidating at times, like when he stood up to draco and beat him up. That's kinda sweet but at the same time, kinda scary.

I went to school as usual - John and I went to the bus stop and we grabbed the bus to school. It took us forever because London traffic am I right? It's absolutley ridiculous! Sometimes I wish I could just take the tube there but I live too far away from a tube station, so bus it is.

John and I arrived at school with only 5 minutes spare until the bell, so we rushed towards our form room for registration, hoping to dear god that we won't get a late mark.

Late marks = badness!

We arrived to registration just on the bell, but we sighed as Mr Singer wasn't even there yet. I walk over to my window seat, sighing at the waste of effort, with my hands in my trouser pockets, like the awkward person I am. I sneak Jim a smile and he smiles back at me. Ughhhhh adorable!

Registration goes by extremely quickly. Mr Singer arrived just after I sat down in my chair and took the register, everyone in the class being present. The bell went and gone and I went towards my first lesson.

Double music.

I tried to arrive as late as I possibly could without earning myself a late mark. I just wasn't in the mood today to deal with the whole Irene situation. Today I need to tell her that she isn't actually my girlfriend, because she's not, and then everything will be fine! Fine and dandy!

I arrive at my music room, everyone in the class already queuing up outside of the classroom. It's wierd not being the first to arrive for a change! I look at the pupils in the line in front of me, and I notice something quite strange and peculiar. It was the bully Draco, except he was getting bullied. The people who, before the whole Jim incident, were his friends were punching him in his gut, and Draco didn't fight back. He looked like he didn't have the self will to fight back.

I don't know what came over me, but I actually walked up to them.

"Hey. Leave him alone!" I say in a dark and low toned voice. The students stop in their tracks and turn to look towards me. Their faces turned from angry faces to laughing seagulls. They legit looked like laughing seagulls I'm not even joking. The fact that they were laughing at me wasn't a surprise and I could handle being laughed at, not being punched in the gut like draco. For some reason, the pupils walked into the classroom laughing without doing anything else. I was pretty sure that they would at least hit me, but they didn't.

I turn my attention to the pained Draco to my side, and his face was quite unreadable, except, I could read anyone's emotion. He was slightly confused, but relieved at the same time. And I think he was thankful too. Maybe that's just me being optimistic for a change, I don't know.

"Um, thanks Holmes. I didn't expect you to be the one to walk up and help me. In fact, I didn't really expect anyone to." Draco says, and I can tell it's hard for him to say after bullying me for so long. It's like he's lost a sense of his pride, perhaps he has.

I just nod along and we walk into music together, myself feeling quite pleased. I just helped draco Malfoy, my ex-bully.


I enter my own music room again with my violin and bow and I set up my music stand to set my music upon. But of course, Irene enters and disrupts me.

"Hey boyfriend." She says closing the door behind her, with her flute in her right hand. I just shake my head and sigh to myself. I really need to ask her to explain.

"Hey Irene. You know I'm not actually your boyfriend right! You just said we were going out without consulting me first! That's not how it works you know!" I say with my new found confidence and Irene looks straight into my eyes, hers seemingly watering. God, I hate it when girls cry. It's just so embarrassing!

"What're you talking about!? Wait, are you breaking up with me?" Irene begins to sob and for some wierd reason I feel a pang of guilt.

"Wait no please don't cry." God why did i say no. Yes I want to break up with you I just want you to stop crying!

"So your not breaking up with me?" Her sobbing begins to fade, thank god, and she wipes her face with her hands.

"Irene I don't understand! We're not dating you hear me!" I say again, slightly louder than I meant it, and Irene gives me a confused expression. You're  confused?! I'm bloody confused!

"You're  confusing me sherlock. You're my boyfriend and that's final you hear me!" She says angrily and she storms her way out of the music room.

Why does she not understand?! It's perfectly simple!

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Hey guys new update!

Hope you enjoy it!


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now