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I wake up late as usual, my alarm not going off again. I really need a new alarm clock! I woke up to the sound of Mycroft singing along to the radio in his room next to mine, and badly might I add. I look at my broken alarm clock to see its 8:00. Great! 10 minutes before John arrives to walk with me to school!

I jump out of bed and I slide to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and stuffing it into my mouth. I then proceed to run back to my bedroom and put on some clothes, multitasking with brushing my teeth at the same time. I end up wearing a pair of random blue socks with monkeys on them but I couldn't care less at this time! Once I'm appropriately dressed, I slide back to the bathroom, only to realise Mycroft doing his hair in the mirror. I push him violently out of the way, getting swear words thrown at me, but I proceed to brush my teeth. I spit out the remains and I wash out my mouth, only then to give Mycroft a cheeky smirk and run down the stairs, just in time before John arrived.

The doorbell rings its annoying tune and I answer the door immediately. John stands there in his preppy mood as always, holding the straps of his rucksack and waiting for me to put on my black converse. I grab my black Vans rucksack, and I run out the door.

That was a hectic morning!

"Woke up late again?" Asks John as we walk slowly towards the bus stop to get to school.

"Yeh. I swear my alarm clock is broken or something. I'll get Mycroft to fix it." I say and John chuckles softly at the image if Mycroft trying to fix something.

Ha classic!

We shortly arrive at the bus stop, noticing Mary already waiting there - John's girlfriend. John picks up the pace and he smiles a stupid grin as he takes Mary into a hug. I eventually catch up to them and they can't seem to keep their hands off each other. At 16 years old, you'd expect them to be a bit more mature, don't you?

I can't see the point in a relationship.

The bus soon arrives and I give in my money to ride the bus to the man driving it. He gives me the receipt, which I instantly scrunch up and shove in my pocket, and I take a seat at the back of the bus. John and Mary soon follow and we ride the long journey to the pits of hell.


I don't understand the concept of school. Yes you learn shit that can 'help you in your everyday life', but seriously, when are you ever going to use algebra in your everyday life? Or space related stuff? Never! Although, that's quite contradictory, considering I'm pretty intelligent for my age.

After a long journey of 20 minutes, we finally arrive at the fiery pits of hell. John and Mary walk off ahead of me and I'm left to walk to the tall building by myself.

I walk along the stone paths to the main building where my registration class is. I pretty much live with my registration class, seeing as most of the students in there are in my classes too.

I walk through the door to my registration class and John, Mary and Sam Winchester seem to be the only people there. I sit in my usual spot in the back, right corner next to the window, and I stare out of it. I stare at the school building opposite, which happens to be my brothers registration class. He doesn't seem to have arrived yet, he's probably going to be late as always.

I stare back into my classroom when I hear the door open. 3 more students appear: Rory Williams, Irene Adler and Rose Tyler. They sit in their usual seats, Irene's happening to be next to mine.

Irene is quite a strange character. She's quite a popular girl, and I would say that she was pretty, but she's so secretive. No one even knows where she lives, or anything about her personal life. Its curious.

Mr Singer arrives straight on the bell, papers flying everywhere which had fallen from the massive heal of paperwork in His arms. He plonks it on his desk and he looks at us with a scolding glare. He's quite a grumpy teacher, plus he always calls us 'idgits' for no apparent reason.

I stare out of the window again, and I notice Mycroft still hasn't arrived in his registration class.

Mr Singer reads out the register and I say " here sir" when he reads out my name. The rooms atmosphere seems so dull, actually, it always seems dull. Mr Singer just has one of those voices which makes you want to sleep, even though he has an American accent.

When sir finishes the register he starts to talk to the class, but I don't pay any attention. His voice already making me want to sleep. Then I hear the door open.

I smallish guy walks in. He has jet black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. He stands at the front of the class with Mr Singer next to him and then he Introduces himself.

"Err hi. My name is Jim. Jim Moriarty." He says in a strong Irish accent, catching me by surprise. I haven't actually met an Irishman before. John thinks that they're people who live on rainbows drinking all day, but I'm not going to tell him otherwise. I see John look over to me, his eyes wide and his mouth wide with a grin. I know what he's thinking; he's so excited to be seeing an Irish man for the first time in his life.

Mr Singer leads Jim to a seat at the front of the class, and I can't help but stare at the back of his head. He seems so intriguing. I lean forward and I lean on my desk, staring at his jet black hair and his pale white skin, spotted with small freckles on the back of his neck.

I snap out of my gaze when the door suddenly flies open with a loud bang. I hear Irene gasp in shock besides me, however she should be used to it by now.

It was only Molly.

Molly is always late. She's one of those 'alternative' girls, where she listens to a lot of heavy metal and she comes in to school wearing black makeup around her eyes and dark clothes. Plus she's the really naughty kid in school.

The whole room falls into silence as Molly sits down at her desk, her boots making a loud banging noise on the classroom floor. I lean back up off of my desk and I stare out the window again.

Still no Mycroft.

Where could he be?

Hey guys. So I decided to make a new sheriarty fan fiction and I really think I'm going to enjoy writing this one. I have a lot of ideas for it and I hope you will like it too.

Thanks for reading


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