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*John's POV*

The 'gang' arrive at Molly's mansion after a long long long long time of walking. I hate walking. It's exercise. There is no need for it.

Talking with Molly kept my mind off of the effort though. We talked about normal stuff I guess, like movies we watch and stuff like that. We actually like a lot of the same stuff, which is kind of wierd, regarding that she's a scary emo teen, and then there's me. I'm just like a chicken nugget or something. Ha, chicken nugget, ha.

Molly opens the door and we all flood into her house. Jim and I immediately go to set up the camera's in the kitchen, whilst Molly goes upstairs with Sherlock to find the scripts needed for today's scene we're shooting.

Jim and I set up the camera's in the kitchen and wait for the other two to come down.

"So what do you think they're doing up there." I raise my eyebrows cheekily and I bite my bottom lip. Jim does not seem amused by my comment, so I just look away and cringe. Jim's really hard to try and get along with.

I look back at Jim and I see him watching the clock go round. "It was a joke, cuz Sherlock's gay and...oh that's a nice bird" I look outside the window, but he just stares at me again and I mentally curse to myself. I'm really making matters worse.

I'm relieved when Sherlock and Molly return with the scripts in hand and they pass one out for each of us to read over. I'm actually surprised I like this movie thing we're making. It's actually helping with my acting skills, but I don't want to be an actor in the future so I don't know why I need them. I guess they could help with my lying?

"Right, John and I need to get into costume so you two need to rehearse your lines" molly says, as she grabs my hand unexpectedly and drags me away. I stare at Sherlock as she drags me away, giving him the 'help me' eyes, but he just laughs at me.

Molly drags me upstairs and into her room, where she hands me the clothes for my costume. She piles them onto my arms, the pile almost covering my entire face and then she pushes me out of her room and shuts her door. Is she expecting me to get dressed in the hallway, when her parents could walk past at any moment. I decide to not take that risk and I go into the bathroom. I quickly get changed into my costume and I walk back but, nearly bumping into Molly's mum on the way. God she's a scary lady.

I walk back down the corridor to the outside of Molly's room and I knock on her door, waiting for her to open it and let me inside, so she can do my makeup to make me look older than I actually am. My character is meant to be like in his 30's or 40's so I need it cuz I have such a baby face, as my mum always says.

She opens the door after a while, and she is in her costume, with her hair tied back and not as much black on her face. I walk into her room and I place my clothes onto her armchair and I sit on her bed so she can do my makeup.

"Now this time, keep still." She warns me, but I can't help moving. The brushes she uses tickle my face!

She draws light lines and strokes on my face, her eyes suddenly meeting mine. Her brush movements then begin to stop and I begin to feel the palms of my hands get sweaty, and my heart begins to race. What is she doing? She moves her right hand to stroke the side of my face and my eyes go wide. She places her hand on the side of my jaw and she stares into my eyes again. Is she about to kiss me? She slowly begins to being her lips closer to mine, and I notice the air beginning to get thinner. Suddenly her lips graze over mine, as she closes her eyes.

Molly hooper is kissing me. It takes me a moment for my brain to click into gear, and I begin to kiss her back. It only lasts for like 3 seconds, when she pulls back and opens her eyes again.

"What was that for?" I whisper and I swallow my nerves and exhale quietly.

"I don't know I just...wanted to do it." She whispers at the same level as mine and she picks up the brush again and carries on with the makeup. A small smile creeps up to my lips. Moly hooper just kissed me.

I liked it.

After the makeup was finished, we went back downstairs and rejoined with sherlock and Jim. They were sat down on the kitchen floor, listening to a song I had never heard before on Jim's phone, looking bored as ever.

"We ready to film now?" Jim asks impatiently.

"Yeah, we are" molly says and we begin to film the scene.

Hey guys! So yeah, John and Molly are beginning to become a thing.

Hope you enjoyed this update.


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now