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* Sherlock's POV *

A few days later I manage to pick myself up and head back to school, just in time for our first day on the project. I still have faint signs of bruises and my muscles still feel like they've been snapped, but I'm pushing through it. I've been looking forward to doing the project and I don't want to miss any days of it. Plus, I really want to get to know Jim a bit more. He seems so fascinating to me and his brown eyes are just so... Nice.

Great description there Sherlock

Anyway, when I walk through the corridor to get to media studies, John comes up with a great idea.

"How about my group and your group team up. You know because we want to do a TV sort of thing and I know you're good at acting Sherly so come on! Let's do it!" Says John skipping in front of me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"I don't know John. I'd have to ask Jim first." I say, really wanting to do Jim's idea but I don't really want to rain on John's  parade.

"Okay you ask him and I'll tell Molly!" John says excitedly and then he runs in front of me and through the door to our next class.

I walk down the rest of the corridor alone until I feel a presence near by me.

"Hey" Jim says quietly. I turn to see him walking right beside me, his bag draped over one shoulder and ... is he wearing eyeliner?

"Hey!" I say back and then in realise that this is the perfect time to tell him." Anyway, about the project. John wants us to collab with his group but I don't know if you want to do that and..."

"Sure. That'll be fun." Jim says and then I give him a weak smile. He didn't even let me finish my sentence. Cute. Errrrm, need to stop doing that!

We enter through the door to media studies and I see Malfoy straight away laughing at me as I walk in. I just hang my head low until I find my seat. Everyone has already started working on their project and the teacher seems to be... Sleeping?

I find a table with John and Molly, who surprisingly look quite cosy together. Jim takes the seat next to me and then Molly begins her ramble.

"So I was thinking of doing this like detective thing where I'm like a doctor of some kind and someone is a detective but not and he has a best friend who's like been in the army and I could have a boyfriend who's actually gay and ... Evil!" Molly continues her ramble and it sounds like this is an actually TV programme or something... Huh.

Once Molly finishes her ramble of ideas we all agree that it sounds like a really good idea. And it actually does. We all agree who's going to play who. I'm the detectives guy, John is my best friend and Jim's going to be the evil person. He seems to really suit the role. I wonder if he takes drama too?

Now the plannings over, its time to film.

Hey guys! I'm such a bad person I know. I haven't uploaded in so long and this is a really short update too. I will get Into writing more frequently since its the half term.

Hope you enjoyed this update!


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now