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*John's POV*

I sprint down the street, nearing closer and closer to Mary's house. I can't believe I forgot about her birthday! I've been reminding myself for like months now and I'm just so frustrated with myself! I hope I haven't fucked everything up.

I love her too much.

I stop running when I reach outside of Mary's house. I rest my hands on my knees and I breath heavily, having run all the way from Molly's house. I look up at the door to the house I wish to enter and too many thoughts rush through my mind at once.

What if she breaks up with me?

What if she's unexpectedly been murdered, and she dies hating me?!

What if she is seeing someone else because I forgot it was her birthday and she decides to cheat on me?!

Too far

Once I have caught my breath, I walk slowly up the stairs to Mary's door. It's a black door. It looks a lot like Sherlock's front door but it has silver letter on it, not gold. Plus the house number is 59.

I knock 3 times on the door, urgently wanting to apologise to Mary. After waiting a while, and knocking a few more times, a man answers the door. Mary's dad.

"John! Mary's upstairs. Come on in!" The man says, inviting me into his home. I walk in and I look up the staircase, knowing she'll be in her bedroom. " I didn't know you were coming over!"

"I didn't either" I simply say to myself before I start walking up the staircase, not giving a single glance to Mary's father.

I arrive on the landing of the top floor and I take a left to where Mary's bedroom lies. I knock quietly on the white bedroom door and I await Mary to invite me in.

"Who is it?" Calls Mary from her bedroom.

"It's me." I say quietly. There is silence for a few minutes. My heart starts to pound quicker when the silence goes on and I'm wondering if she doesn't want to see me. I wouldn't want to see me in her situation.

"Please let me in Mary. I want to talk to you." I say after a few minutes of awkward silence. I hear muffled footsteps walking towards the door and then the door opens quickly. I come face to face with an annoyed Mary, her curly blond hair tied in a loose bobble, and she's wearing a lion wonzie.

I walk into Mary's bedroom and I shut the door behind me. Mary sits cross legged on her bed and I stand awkwardly in the middle of her bedroom. I look at Mary and we stare at each other in an awkward silence.

God this whole experience is awkward!

"Speak!" Commands Mary and I sigh loudly and I begin to speak.

"Mary, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot that it was your birthday but I remember now! That's all that matters! Here and now! I'm so sorry Mary! Can you please forgive me?" I say and I realise I came off a bit blunt.

"You know what John. You're a complete and utter asshole, you know that! Don't come back here again, and you can forget ever speaking to me again. We're through, you hear me, THROUGH!" and at that note, Mary throws her pillow at me and I run away from her bedroom. I run away from her house. I run away from Mary.

I'm such a dick!

Hey guys! Really short update but oh no John and Mary have broken up. This is only the start of John's love life though....SPOILERS!

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this update!


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now