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*sherlocks POV *

Mycroft carries me all the way home, constantly checking to see if I'm alright and shit like that, but I'm fine. I'm used to this. It takes us about an hour to finally arrive on the most familiar street, Baker Street, and then to find the all too familiar household that we live in.

We walk in through the door, Mycroft straightening the knocker before he enters. It always gets on his nerves - OCD! He walks me to the sofa and then he settles me down and walks into the kitchen to get the first aid kit from the top cupboard. Mycroft has had to perform this kind of thing quite often, seeing as I get beat up quite often. My parents don't even know, they don't care to ask.

Mycroft brings in the red box with the bandages and plasters and he sets it on the coffee table by the sofa. He opens the lid, and it reveals all the bandages and plasters that I need to cover up this beautiful mess called my face.

He unravels some bandages and he wraps them around my bloody hands from when I fell to the ground, and then he tears the plastic off of the plasters and he sticks them onto my fresh wounds. I wince at the stinging feeling but I deal with it. It's not like I've not been through the same thing before.

"I'll get you some water" Mycroft says quietly and then he leaves to the kitchen. I lie there on the sofa, my body stiff and I try to think of something else other than the pain. I wince every time one of my muscles move. I'm such a wimp.

"Thank God Greg came and kicked his ass" I say when Mycroft walks back into the room with my water. "Pass me a ciggy will ya". Mycroft sets down the glass of water and then he rummages through my rucksack until he finds my packet of cigarettes. He places one in between my lips and then he lights it with the lighter he found afterwards.

" Yeah. He really kicked his ass." He sighs and that's when I start to notice that something's up. I sit up, wincing at the pain I'm causing myself, and I blow out the smoke I had just breathed in. I stare at Mycroft. Mycroft looks up at me and his face is full of confusion.

"What?" He says and I just raise my eyebrows. He fidgets as he starts to feel uncomfortable under my stares and he doesn't give me eye contact.

"Lestrade. Greg Lestrade. Gregory. Gregory Lestrade." I sing his name and then my brother slaps me lightly on the arm, annoyed at the amount of times I say his name.

"Stop saying his name!" He says annoyed and I just continue, a huge grin on my face.

"You like Lestrade, don't you!" I ask and them Mycroft's face goes the darkest shade of red. I burst out laughing at how embarrassing his face looks, as he tries to avoid eye contact with me. Mycroft doesn't deny it so OMG HE LIKES GREG LESTRADE?!

I take another drag from my cigarette and I blow out the smoke, still chuckling at his face. Ha its priceless!

Hey guys! Another short chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this update and please tell me how you feel about it so far!


Photograph // Teen-Sheriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now