Chapter 41

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Help!: The Beatles

Till There Was You: The Beatles

Do You Want To Know A Secret: The Beatles

You're Gonna Lose That Girl: The Beatles

Don't Let Me Down: The Beatles

We Can Work It Out: The Beatles

She Loves You: The Beatles

Harry's POV

Within seconds of us getting in the car, Katarina had fallen fast asleep. I knew she was tired from the moment we had left the stupid Gala, but I hadn't said anything. I was already treading on thin ice, trying to tell her what to do wouldn't have gone over too well. I had kept a watchful eye on her the entire night after my admission to her. Her reaction was not one I had expected, but it suited her perfectly. She wasn't one to just gush over things like that, she was analytical and needed proof, she wasn't able to just take my word for it. Not that I could blame her.

My behavior tonight, wasn't going to help me prove my point, it was just putting things against me. If I wanted her to believe in me, I was going to have to show her. Not in my way, my way was probably the last thing I should go with. I don't know what exactly came over me. I had every intention of making this a wonderful night for her, but I found myself getting angry once I saw Max and heard him talk about Katarina like she wasn't even there. He was literally talking about her like she was a fucking business deal. I wondered if she saw that, or if she was blinded by her love for the man. Either was, he was a dick and couldn't stand him. 

What further sent me over the edge of my contained anger, was the fact the Stephen was there. I mean of all places to be, why did he have to be in the same event as us. As her. I had noticed him eyeballing her, but I tried not to let it get to me. The moment she left my side, I tried to go after her, but I was stopped by a woman asking me a million questions, I tried to be as polite as possible, but my attention was on Katarina and Stephen. By the time she had finished, Katarina had found her way back and I was livid. Sure she had dismissed him, but they had still interacted, that was enough for me to let the anger that had built up during that day out into the open. 

That was my mistake. I let my anger build up to a point to where I couldn't handle it. I should have been honest with her and told her what happened with Max. And I most certainly shouldn't have taken it all out on her. Madison was, ugh, she was Madison, there really isn't much to be said about her other than she annoyed the living shit out of me. Using her to get to Katarina was not one of my brightest ideas, I don't know what I was thinking. I had the most perfect girl in the world and I traded down for the night. 

"Liam," I spoke quietly, careful not to wake up Katarina. "How am I supposed to show her that I love her?"

I struggled with my words. I didn't know how to do this. Any of it. I knew I loved her and I knew she knew I loved her, but she was right. I couldn't just tell her, I had to show her in a way that didn't include me getting jealous and wanting to piss her off.

"Do you love her?" He questioned.

"More than I ever thought possible," I admitted. "It's like, like she's a piece of me that I finally found to complete me, that I didn't even know I was missing."

"Wow, that's intense." He momentarily looked over at me before returning his eyes to the road ahead. "Don't you think you guys are moving too fast?"

"Maybe, but it's worth it." It was. No matter what we went through, I had her and her unconditional love, that was worth anything. "When we're apart it's like I'm missing a piece of me. I don't even have to look to know it's her that's walked into a room. It's like a white hot spark is ignited inside of me whenever she is near." I looked around to the back seat, she was still sound asleep. "I couldn't imagine my life without her anymore, Liam."

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