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We had been walking for ages, looking for anything useful. Oil, Laudanum, tinderbox or a weapon of some sort. It was only when we got to the living room that I noticed something useful: A sword. It looked just like Stephano's but it was silver rather than gold. Strange. I strolled over to it and went to pick it up when I heard Stephano shout, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!"

"Why not?"

"That's not MY sword. Please don't touch it, Marzia."

"Who's is it?"

"Just... don't touch it." I ignored the sword, sadness was looming over me. It was like it was taunting me, knowing I couldn't have it. Come and get me, Marzia. You know you want to. I picked it up, hoping Stephano wouldn't notice. I felt a metallic hand clasp down on my shoulder, turning me around violently. At first I thought it was Stephano but he would never touch me like that. It was a silver statue, Identical to Stephano. I saw Stephano draw his sword and point it out the silver statue. "Leave her alone, Jack."

"Or what Stephano?" Jack replied, "You gonna run me through? you could never do it."

"Don't tempt me." He brought the sword closer to him, scraping the back of the statue. He brought the sword closer to him, scraping the back of the statue. I threw my spare hand over my right ear to protect it from the sound. I saw Stephano look at me, unamused. "Marzia," he started, "Give him the sword." I gripped tighter and shook my head. "Marzia if you don't give him the sword I swear to god the sword will be going through YOU instead of HIM." With a sigh, I dropped the sword and kicked the silver statue in the knee and moving behind Stephano. He sliced Jack's leg, ensuring he couldn't follow us, and we ran again. We're always running, I thought to myself as we sprinted through the darkness.

We ran into a locked door and turned around. Trapped. I saw Stephano step forward, drawing his sword. No way. I grabbed the sword from him while Anthony pulled him backwards. "MARZIA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he demanded. I didn't answer. It was obvious to Anthony. I was going to defend my friends. I owed it to them. The creatures slowed as they reached us, knowing we couldn't escape. They saw the sword in my hand and laughed hysterically as if it was a joke. He took another step closer and raised his claw, ready to strike. He was fast, but I was faster. I raised the sword and sliced across his stomach, causing blood to spill out of him. Another Bro came at me, hoping to kill me. I sliced his neck in one sharp blow. As they came at me, I was ready for them and took them all out. I stabbed the last one in the heart and turned to find a shocked Stephano and a proud Anthony. I glanced down at the sword in my hand. It had blood all over it. "Sorry Stephano," I said, "I'll clean it if you want." He didn't reply. I didn't understand why he was staring at me like I had done something outrageous. I heard a cough and he stood up. "Well..." He started, "That was... different." I could feel my cheeks turning red as I glanced at the blood stained sword. Stephano stuck his hand out, signalling for the sword. I gave him the sword but he just stared at it before giving it back to me. I was confused. "What are you giving me your sword?"

"You're gonna need protection." was all he replied before he walked off. I ran after him, shouting, "But what about you?"

"I have a spare one... somewhere" I had a sword. Not just ANY sword; STEPHANO'S sword. I looked at Anthony and grinned. I was ready to face danger: Bros, Barrels and Jack.


"Where is it?" I heard Stephano mumble. He was in the middle of searching for his spare sword while me and Anthony sat on the floor in the bedroom. Damn, I thought, This might as well be HQ. I thought about the silver statue, Jack. How did they know each other? "Stephano?" I saw him look up. "How do you know the other statue?"

"We used to be friends."

This shocked me. "YOU and HIM used to be FRIENDS?!"

he chuckled. "Yes. Quite a while before both Felix and Anthony came to the house, there were loads of us. Many moved out as they was afraid of being exposed to the humans but we stayed. We used to argue about the humans all the time. Eventually he turned on me and tried to kill me but I fought him off. He swore he'd come back for revenge but I never thought... I thought he would..." He trailed off, tears forming in his beautiful blue eyes. I hugged him, comforting him while I got the information together. They were friends until Felix and Anthony turned up? But Anthony told me there had been another person in the house before him... Alicia. "Stephano, What happened to Alicia?"

I felt him tense as if I had asked a bad question but he relaxed and said, "She left when Felix came, along with the others. She hated people as much as they did." WHAT?! I looked over at Anthony. He explained that he had avoided seeing the others as he knew they were hostile against outsiders whereas Felix... Well, Felix was the opposite. He didn't care who lived there, he explored how he felt like exploring, causing the others to leave. Damn it Felix, I sighed, You drove them all out of their own home. No wonder the enemies hated him. I sat on the floor silently while Stephano and Anthony searched for the spare sword. Suddenly I had an idea. "Let's bring them back!"

Fighting the barrels (A Pewdiepie Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now