The Final Battle

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My eyes shot open furiously. It had all been a dream. Felix hadn't died. I sighed happily at the thought that he would continue living. I sat up on the bed and looked around the room. Everyone was asleep either on small makeshift beds or on the ground. The only one that wasn't sleeping was Stephano. I slid off the bed and joined him at the window.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him.

"No," he replied, "Had a bad dream?"

"Yeah but it's ok now."

"Felix died didn't he?"

"Yeah. There was a fight between me and the enemies. Me and a bunch of statues against the bros and barrels."

"Was I there?"

"You didn't fight. You felt bad about there being death involved so you didn't fight."

He nodded, taking this in. "and Felix fought?"

"I didn't know he had until it was too late. I couldn't stop him. I couldn't..." my voice broke and the tears poured out from my eyes. He's fine, I thought, Stop crying. I felt a pair of metallic arms close around my waist and I turned around to find Stephano hugging me. I hugged him back, ignoring the feeling of coldness I get whenever I touch him. slowly, my tears ceased and I was able to think properly. Felix knew how to take care of himself; he showed me that long ago when he came home after many months trapped here. Now it was my turn. I pulled away from Stephano slowly, trying not to offend him. Just as I was released from his arms, there was a crash from down the corridor. They found us. I drew the sword that Stephano had given me and rushed towards the noise. I stopped when I saw it all happening. The battle that had occurred in my dreams; the one with the tiny statues. I ran towards it, hoping to help destroy the enemy before he could destroy Felix. Suddenly a thought occurred to me, Where IS Felix? I scanned the area for him but was disappointed to find that I couldn't see him anyway. I sliced the barrel that was coming towards me and started to attack another one when I heard a feminine scream. Felix. I turned around swiftly and ran towards the voice, hoping to protect him for as long as I could. An untrusted statue was sprinting towards him  but, luckily, I got to him in time. I destroyed the statue and hugged Felix. "I missed you!"

He hugged back tighter. "I missed you too!" Unfortunately, our reunion was cut short by the creatures that were slowly surrounding us. Without hesitation, I swung my metallic sword in a circle around us, knocking out the enemies. I glanced at Felix, who had his mouth gaping open in shock. "I knew you could fence but HOLY SHIT MARZIA THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" we started to attack the enemies when they weren't looking, giving us a better chance of success. We had taken out all of the barrels and the untrusted statues. There was only one enemy left: Glen. There was a chuckle from behind us, causing me to spin around swiftly. "That was impressive, Marzia."

"Let us leave here peacefully, Glen." I returned with an even voice.

"If only it were that easy." He raised his sword and pointed it towards me.

"You want to turn this into a FIGHT?" He's kidding right?

"En Garde!" This was it; the final battle. I sung my sword expertly and soon it got serious. Only one of us was getting out of here alive. The other would die on the spot. I managed to block all of his blows but he was unable to match mine. I sliced his arm with my sword, causing him to gasp in pain and fall to the floor, clutching his arm. I stood  above him with my sword pointed at him. "Give up?"

"Never." I lifted my sword as if I was going to swing it again when he screamed, "OK I GIVE UP! DON'T HURT ME!" I lowered my sword again and motioned for the statues to join us. They surrounded Glen and guarded him as I spoke to the gang about what to do with him. "We can't keep him here." Piggeh said

"Well it's his home too!" Mr chair squealed.

"Piggeh's right, it's too dangerous." Stephano said sadly. He shouldn't have to make this decision; none of them did. I stepped forward and suggested, "Why don't you teach him to like humans? That way you can all live peacefully without having to get rid of a friend."

Stephano thought about this before smiling and saying, "she's right. Glen's a friend, no matter what he did. I say he stays."Piggeh and Mr Chair glanced at each other before grinning and agreeing. The statues took Glen away while we said our goodbyes. Anthony and Alicia hugged them first, knowing they would cry if they waited. Felix practically clung to Stephano, crying about how it had taken so long to find him and how he didn't wanna let go again. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I realised something: I was going to Miss them. They taught me to be brave and I could never thank them enough for that. Eventually, Stephano was able to pry Felix off and he joined the others. My turn. I hugged Stephano tightly and whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I heard him say sadly, "I'm going to miss you all."

"Then come with us."

"I can't leave the others."

"Why not?"

He thought for what felt like hours. He was weighing out his options. After a lifetime of waiting, he smiled and said to me, staring into my eyes, "The others can fend for themselves now that the battle is over between us and the barrels. We owe this to you, Marzia."

I smiled. "Does this mean you're coming with us?" He nodded happily. We said goodbye to the rest of the gang and got into the majestic white car parked outside. Anthony dropped us off at Ken's cottage and drove back to his house with Alicia. She knew she would be unwelcome at the castle but had nowhere else to go when Anthony offered that she could move in with his and Ian. They had hugged and kissed, making me feel a bit uncomfortable, knowing that they could potentially get married one day. We went inside the cottage and sat on the sofa, feeling a sense of happiness. We had stopped Glen and the barrels. The others could finally live in peace. I glanced over at Felix and Stephano, who were sitting on the end of the couch catching up on what had been happening over the past few years. Felix is lucky to have a friend like Stephano, I thought to myself as I got off the sofa and went to the bedroom. The moment I got to the top of the stairs, I was overcome with fatigue and rushed to get to my room before I passed out. As I laid down in my bed, I thought about all the friends I had met, the ones I had lost and the ones that would always be there for me. I have such amazing friends, I thought as my eyelids became too heavy to lift and I fell into a deep sleep. 

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