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"Let's bring them back!"

I stopped searching for my sword and spun swiftly to look at Marzia. "What?" I said.

"It's their home, not mine or Anthony's."

I thought about this for a minute. She was right; they shouldn't be here. I shook my head sadly. "They are gone. Noone's seen them for years"

"Isn't it worth the shot though?"


She stuttered, "I'm sorry. I... I just thought-"

"NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU NEVER DO!" She burst into tears and ran out of the room, leaving me and Anthony. I sighed. I was a bit harsh to her, I understand that, but Alicia didn't want to return. She told me that the day she left. I felt tears roll down my cheek and I laid down on the bed, allowing the tears to flow.


Some time later, I dried my eyes and went to search for Marzia, knowing I had to apologise. I rummaged around the chest for my spare sword and, securing it to my belt, me and Anthony went to find Marzia, hoping she found somewhere safe to hide without being caught. We slowly made our way down the corridor and stopped in front of a wooden door. Inside, we could hear tears. Marzia. Slowly, as if not to scare her, i pushed the door open with my sword, ready to take on anything that stood in my path. I wasn't expecting what i was greeted with instead. A young girl with long brown hair was sitting in the corner of the room, sobbing her eyes out. I moved slowly towards her but stopped a few paces away. She looked up, staring at me with her beautiful green eyes, sadness brimming over the edges. She stopped crying once her eyes settled on me and she sighed sadly. "Stephano?" she asked as if i wasn't really there, "Is that you?"

I nodded, instantly feeling self-conscience. "Yes, Alicia," I replied, "It's me."

"Why are you still here?"

"I think the more suitable question would be why are YOU here?"

She looked down at the floor, pretending she hadn't heard me. She had. "Alicia," I started, leaning down towards her, "You have to talk to me or i can't help you."

She stared at me and i saw a tear escape from her eyes. "The bros have changed. They attacked me. I don't know what happened! I just..." Her tears cut her off. Feeling sympathetic, I leaned towards her and put my arms around her and told her everything would be fine. Anthony stood in the doorway, staring at us curiously. "Shut the door, Anthony," I instructed and he obeyed. He must've thought I'd lost it, sitting on the floor with my arms around a random girl. Maybe I HAD lost it. Whatever my reason was, i sat there, not moving. After a few minutes, she stopped crying and pulled away from my slowly, hoping I wouldn't pull her back. I let her move away from me, knowing she had to have been forced back here. "Alicia," I started cautiously, "How did you get back here? WHY are you back here?"

I heard her sigh. She wiped her eyes and looked up at me before explaining how she had ended up here. "I saw this man. Felix. He said you, his friend and his girlfriend had been captured by the bros. I didnt believe him so I came back. I never thought... I never..." Her voice broke and i saw rivers of tears stream out of her eyes. Alicia saw Felix? I sighed happily. Felix was safe, thats all that mattered. All of a sudden, I jumped off the floor and drawed my sword, remembering why we had left the room in the first place. Where's Marzia? Anthony and Alicia linked arms behind me as i led the way down the dark, murky corridor. We had to find Marzia before anything bad happened to her.

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