5 years later

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5 years later

"Hurry up, Alicia!" I shouted loudly up the stairs of Anthony and Alicia's house. If she kept us here another minute, she and Anthony wouldn't be getting married.  Just as I was getting ready to call up again, Alicia began the descend down the stairs in her majestic white dress. Her hair had been put up in an old fashioned bun with a small braid along the sides with a white flower in her hair and matched the dress perfectly. It was a beautiful gown with small diamonds dotted around the waist. On her feet were matching high heels. I glanced at my outfit and felt insignificant in comparison. My hair was curled instead of up for once with a white flower clipped on, my dress was a long purple dress with a white belt snaked around the waist and on my feet were white high heels with purple gems on them. I held her bouquet for her as we got in the car. I was ecstatic when she asked me to be her maid of honour. I knew this day would come sooner or later; they'd been going out for 5 years. We got out of the car at the building they were getting married in and straightened her dress and flower grip. "Do I look ok?" She asked nervously.

"Alicia, you look beautiful," I replied happily and watched as Felix took her hand. She didn't have any family and had asked Felix, who jumped at the question, to give her away. I walked steps behind them as I thought about MY future. Would me and Felix ever get married? Will we have kids? I didn't know what the future would be, but I decided at that moment that I would live my life one day at a time. Once they had exchanged vows and rings, they sealed the deal with a kiss and we all travelled to the reception. We watched as they danced to their favourite song for the first time and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I had only known Anthony for 5 years but he felt like a brother to me. He protected me in the amnesia house and has looked out for me every moment since. I heard the clinking of glass and the room fell silent. Felix stood and gave hiss speech. "Anthony, I've known you since we were both stuck in Amnesia together and you're like a brother to me. Alicia's an amazing friend and you're lucky to have each other. I wish me and Marzia could feel like you do right now. In fact..." he trailed of and got on one knee in front of me. NO WAY! He pulled out a small box and said, "... we can. If you want. Marzia, will you marry me?"

I felt tears leave my eyes and I knew I should answer before my voice gave in. "Yes!" I choked out happily and hugged Felix. Everyone clapped and congratulated us as well as Anthony and Alicia. We all danced to Alicia's favourite song and I rested my head on Felix's shoulder. We danced all night, as if we had forever. That's what that night was; the beginning of forever.

Hey guys thanks so much for reading! I had fun writing this story. If you want me to make a sequel let me know in the comments or inbox me and I'll see what I can do. Also, if you have any suggestions for how it can be improved let me know as it'll help me out ALOT. This Story is dedicated to Anthony, Marzia, Ian and, Of course, Pewds.

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