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I didn't sleep much last night. After my conversation with Stephano the previous night, I had curled up on the bed and cried for hours. Surprisingly, I felt much happier in the morning. The others were still asleep when I woke up so I just sat on the bed, thinking about my darling Felix. What's he doing? I wondered, Does he miss me? That was a stupid question; Of course he did. Did he? I tried to think about something- ANYTHING- that didn't make me think about Felix. There was only one other thought that entered my head other than him: Anthony. Why did he come here all those years ago? How come he got on so well with everyone yet Felix didn't? Why did the bros capture him if they used to be friends? The last question through my off a bit. I saw Anthony roll over slowly and his eyes fluttered open. His glanced around at his surroundings but stopped when his gaze landed on me. "Good Morning, Marzia." He sighed happily.

"Good morning, Anthony," I replied quietly, "How did you sleep?"

"Fine thanks. You?"

I just stared at the floor sadly. "I didn't sleep. I couldn't."

"Thinking about Felix?"

I nodded sheepishly. "What do you think he's doing, Anthony?"

"I don't know but whatever it is, he's doing it for us."

Tears started to form again. "What if he's not trying to save us. What if-"

"Marzia..." He walked over to me and sat down, "Felix loves you. He'll do anything to protect you. ANYTHING. You just need to believe in him." I was about to reply when Stephano and Alicia woke. We got ready and ventured out once again in search of anything useful. Stephano had found his sword the previous night meaning we were able to protect ourselves against the enemies more than we had been able to before. Hesitantly, we entered the first room. We searched it for the key but was disappointed to find it had nothing more than Tinderboxes. We went into the second room but, again, was dismayed to find only Oil. At least we can use the Lamp now. I was about to open the final door of the corridor when I heard a beastly groan followed by a shriek of fear from behind me. Without thinking, I spun on my heels and stabbed the ghastly creature in the heart, causing it to fall to the floor in agony. We entered the room and searched it quickly, knowing there would be more bros following soon. We found two keys but a quick shake of the head from Alicia told us that these were not the keys to the exit. I heard the scraping of metal outside of the door, making me cover my ears in pain. What is that noise? I opened the door, regretting it instantly. Standing outside of the door was a Barrel. How did this get here? I reached out to touch it when I heard a gasp from behind me, followed by Stephano's voice shouting, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" but it was too late. I had already touched it and within moments, I was laying on the floor, helpless. I heard the clinking of swords, followed by silence. Stephano?


I felt my eyes flutter open slowly but shut rapidly due to the bright light shining at me. Where am I? I tried to move but found I was tied to the wall. Not again. I glanced around the room, hoping to find Stephano, Anthony or Alicia. Noone. I was alone. I heard the door open and the barrel rolled into the room. He looked at me and chuckled evilly. "Hello, Marzia."

"How- How do you know who I am?" I stuttered.

"How can we not? Your Boyfriend, Felix, Left quite a quake after his... exit."

"are you're blaming me for that?

"Of course not. You're part of our plan for revenge on those PATHETIC humans." He spat out. Revenge? I thought he liked Anthony and Alicia. As he started to stroll out of the room, I spoke up. "I thought you LIKED the other two."

He spun around angrily. "We TOLERATED them. We didn't LIKE them."

"Why not? Alicia was one of you."

"She LIVED with us. She wasn't one of us. She wishes."

"Where are they. WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?"

"They've been dealt with. They won't be interfering any time soon." He chuckled again and left the room. I pulled on the rope, hoping it would give way. After what felt like hours, I stopped fighting, knowing it was pointless. I leant back on the wall and let the tears fall from my eyes. Stephano, I thought, Please be alright. Please find me. I sat with my back on the wall and waited for a friend that would never come. Stephano.

Fighting the barrels (A Pewdiepie Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now